Saturday, June 8, 2024

Richfield with the family

These are just a few of the pictures we had during the funeral and being together with the family, not necessarily in order, but wanted to make sure that they were shared
The girls group that floated down the canal After the boys had gone down earlier in the afternoon.
Benjamin Shawn And Brandon at the funeral home— Just missing a couple of brothers… Garrett Joseph (and Aaron)
Parker was sitting so nicely during the funeral until his uncle Ben decided to put stickers on his eyes and made Parker start  laughing- Parker Was trying to not be too loud when he closed his mouth and laughed through his nose. A big old snot booger came down and was hanging on his lips and chin. I was dying sitting in the row behind him. Shawn looked over in a serious way and told Carissa to stop Parker and Carissa immediately pointed at uncle Ben. He was the one that was getting Parker laughing.
After the dedication of the grave, we tried to get the family for a group picture, but some of them had already left or were wandering around the cemetery. Here is most of the group that was there.
The PLATT Cousins ready for the after funeral luncheon, baked potatoes, ham, and salad and rolls. Yum Yum.!!
Shawn’s birthday is always forgotten and so we made sure to have a piƱata and birthday party barbecue with the family that was all together
 here are the Platt brothers with their dad eugene except Garrett had already left so his oldest son Jonathan on the far right stood In his place
All the boys with their mother, Vickie
Ben with his mom
It’s always fun to go through Vickie’s journals. She has an entire wall of three ring binders full of every day writing and pictures and events. This picture was from Amanda ‘s wedding Nov 2002. It’s so fun and to see cute how we all were when we were younger?
When the boys went floating on the river, we took the girls to the public swimming pool to have some fun. It was a little tricky getting Brielle’s garbage bag and duct tape and we didn’t want her to get wet- We were there for a couple of hours when Ben called and said that the girls could come and float the river. It was super fun and the water wasn’t very cold. Even Brielle could go.
We were loading up. We were trying to help put the things that needed to go back down to grandpa‘s house and somehow Brandon‘s boy Braden went home with this whole packet of tide. Flyfishing flies from grandpa Nielsen. Apparently grandma Vickie didn’t think that they were very special and so she told Brandon that they could have them, but then all of her sisters got mad Because they wanted to distribute them to all the grandkids Oops
When the boys started their float
Here’s the group that that went on the first time down the canal most the boy Cozzens And a couple of uncles
Brecon and Connor and Ben stop for a photo before they start floating down the canal in Richfield. The boys were rowdy and splashing and having a great time together.


Friday, June 7, 2024

Grandpa Phillip Nielson


Grandpa Philip Nelson died June 1 and we had the funeral in Richfield, Utah, June 7

Ben had flown to the Philippines for about a week and was not getting all of the messages from his mom and it was actually pretty amazing that he was able to fly back to be there for the funeral after getting the message on Tuesday- driving and flying out of Manila Wednesday we left from Honolulu Thursday and made it to Richfield at two in the morning Friday. We were still a little jetlagged from travel, but it was good

We had a good time visiting with family and seeing aunts and uncles and cousins and the funeral was nice as people were able to share memories and thoughts about their brother, dad, uncle and grandpa. Ben read the life sketch that was prepared. I was hoping Ben would’ve added some experiences with that he had with his grandpa but he stayed to the script. Joseph played the guitar and sing a musical number when I get to heaven that seemed a little bit irreverent, but fitting for the kind of guy that Phil was, grandpa was .

We were able to go down after the funeral weekend to help clean things up around the house and help the Aunts and  uncles clean things up a little bit - making it more comfortable for uncle John— but the sad thing was uncle John started going way downhill and it’s not looking like he will be around too much longer

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Elder Platt

 Only two more months until Elder Platt will be on his way home—

I am so excited and proud— proud of the fact that he has served with his heart — proud of the sacrifice of two years of his life he has dedicated to the Lord. He is still the fun, loving and silly guy (finding ways to make life exciting) kind of kid. I’m so happy to see the growth that he has made in the two years  since he has been gone.

It has been amazing to hear all about the miracles and missionary work that are happening in Cambodia. All of the adventures, changes, hard work, growth and fun Cael has had along the way

It might be time to pull out his belongings that are still in boxes in the closet from when we moved …or maybe we will wait when he lands and gets off the plane!