Saturday, December 27, 2008


Our tradition of Christmas Eve pajamas continues, despite a few disappointing shopping trips where the stores were sold out! We opened up our new PJs and everyone raced to see who could get into them first.

Here are the boys and I on Christmas Morning, which really lasted all day because we were waiting for Ben to get home from work before we opened the rest of the gifts. It was a pretty relaxing day and fun to stay in our PJs the entire time. I don't know if Brecon realized the difference between this day and any other, but Cael sure thought it was
Brecon just loved lining up his cars and making the "vroom vroom" sounds along with it. Cael was super pumped to get a purple and a blue light saber! The boys have had several saber battles already (Ben included)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

December Fun

We've really been enjoying our December, it's been busy (but isn't December ALWAYS busy?) and also full of fun. One of our favorite things that has been happening this month is when the mail-man/or woman or UPS or FEDEX persons has made a stop at our house. It just is exciting to see what is inside, but more importantly for the boys... if they can FIT inside!

It was so cute to see these guys trying to tuck themselves into this box. They really just wanted the lid to cover them up and then I would say "Alright, time to go to the post office" (of course I'm pushing the box around and spinning it with each new description of where the box is going) "time to load into the truck" (another spin) "Here we go to Wyoming" (a push down to the door) You get the idea. And we all have fun until someone gets hurt (poor Cael got hit by this brothers' head) He was "injured" for only a minute, but by then Brecon had already taken up all the space inside the box and Cael was "muscled "out. Then it was only one boy at a time inside the box. I guess that's what life is all about, sharing and taking turns after an injury :)

We were also invited to LUAU house warming party, and of course we had to dress up! Not that everyone HAD to dress up... we just loved doing that sort of thing :) We even found a great gift for our friends' place... I think they love it, don't you?

Of course Christmas caroling and delivering cookies to people in the ward. It was really so cold that night.... really. We're all in our 'winter'-gear. But yesterday it was 80 degrees and humid! It's craziness!

And of course Cael's preschool party at 2:00 on Friday. There was so much food in front of these kids and hardly any of it was eaten. Stuff they should have been going hog-wild over, and there was nothing. PIZZA, CUPCAKES, ICECREAM... I think Cael took one bite of each and the rest was thrown away.

However, when there is food around Brecon is no wall-flower. He made himself right at home and proceeded to dig in like the king of the table.

That same night was the church party: Traditions Around the World! We had soup and rolls for dinner and a very large turnout. I really didn't think very many people would come to the activity, but there were a lot! I had only set up 6 tables for eating, so some people were sitting on the floor, or standing. We had several tables around the gym representing different countries and what they do during Christmas time. ITALY, ENGLAND, MEXICO, RUSSIA, AUSTRALIA, and GERMANY (and we probably won't do JAPAN next time ha ha ha!) So people were able to mix and mingle around the area and learn something new. Also a little craft could be made at each country, or a delicious food sample could be enjoyed. My personal favorite would have the be the TIM-TAM SLAM from Australia! It was chocolate-deliciousness!

There was a short and sweet Primary program next and
Cael was a Shepard in the Primary nativity. Here he is kneeling next to the manger.
And our awesome picture with SANTA. I guess Brecon didn't want to tell the jolly ol' man what he wants for Christmas this year.
So it has been a busy and fun month as you can see... but of course we are lovin' every minute of it and excited for some more!

Monday, December 1, 2008


4th folder 10th picture tag... HERE WE GO!

May 2007 These adorable boys are like Cael's brothers, only from a different mother.... We just wish they lived closer so we could play more often. Well, these boys came over and stayed at our place and we had a blast! We went swimming in our pool and then the Primary Talent Show. We had to think of something for everyone to do and this is what they did: Brayden ran back and forth across the gym (SUPER FAST), Teagan rode a razor scooter (SUPER AWESOME) and Cael rode* his bike (SUPER... I can't think of the right verb here)
*And by ride his bike I mean he would ride for a few feet, crash into the curtain or slide/crash while taking a sharp turn. Granted, He had just learned how to ride his bike without training wheels on the road. So riding on the polished gym floor was a different story. I was nervous that he could start feeling sad about crashing so many times, but He would (as a classic song would say) "dust himself off, and get back on again"! THAT's MY BOY! I know quite a few people got a kick out of Caels' talent, I know I did!
Have fun!