Monday, November 26, 2007

Brecon's takes over!

Hi. My name is Brecon. I'm almost 5 months old (can you believe it?) Well, I guess I'll tell you a little bit about myself. I like to eat, take naps, smile, and my latest trick.... rolling over! I'm on the verge of crawling (if you know what I mean) I'm happy most of the time, except for when I get mad. My mom likes to stick me in this "saucer" thingy when she needs to get stuff done. It's pretty entertaining, but my fingers are pretty entertaining too!

This is my big brother Cael. He sure is crazy, but I love him anyway. He likes to roll me around tries to carry me around the house, but my mom tells him to stop. I don't know why, Cael is very strong... but oh well.
Well everybody, life is pretty good (at least for me). Hope everyone is doing well and you like my pictures!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sea World?

Many of your may wonder what Sea World is doing in the middle of Texas? Well, I don't have an answer for you, it just is. Sea World San Antonio.... and we were given some season passes and have been using them like they're going out of style the past year and 1/2. My friends' brother works there (he's the guy in the coveralls) and took us on a "behind-the-scenes" tour of the Sea Lion Stadium and we met a new friend. Seriously, the sea lion is smiling for the picture, is that funny or what? Those sea lions sure are crazy. We've sure enjoyed having something fun to do.

Monday, November 5, 2007


OH the joys of Halloween!

We pulled out the pumpkin to be carved this past month and this was just a classic "hey let me set the timer and see what happens". Well as you can clearly see, the photo took before any of us were ready., except for Cael-- he looks pretty ready to me.

I need to explain that Cael needs to take his afternoon nap or else we all suffer. So late afternoon on Halloween, I easily put Cael in his bed for a "power nap" so that we will all have FUN FUN FUN later that night. Well, he is sleeping soundly when we suddenly need to leave, so he is not feeling too excited about trick-or-treating and leaving his nice warm bed. In the midst of crying and not cooperating with the latest costume choice, we finally got him out the door (with tears still in his eyes) for a photo before we leave for the night. It will be a memory that stay with him FOREVER! Halloween is fun, quit your cryin'!


I, on the other hand, was totally excited to dress up this year in this lovely Thrift Town find. You won't believe me if I told you, but the dress and shoes fit like they were made for me, it was amazing! You gotta love the yellow! Also, I think I went through an entire can of hairspray to get my bangs and pony to cooperate accordingly. It could be bigger, I know, but we were in a hurry!
Brecon was a good sport to have eyebrows drawn on his cute little face, and that pirate bandana really covers up his head nicely. And are you checkin' out the chest hair? oh my!
Halloween was sure fun!