Saturday, October 31, 2020

Connors bday 11 years old

 Believe in yourself!

Then was doing shopping for the birthday party and saw a shirt with a unicorn on it with the saying believe in yourself and so that for the week leading up till Connor’s birthday we just kept throwing it into random conversations and mentioning it at different times throughout the day. We also got a unicorn piñata for the party and the whole theme was so great! 

The families in the neighborhood that I’ve come to every other birthday party were able to make it into the garage for pumpkin pie treat and piñata explosion. We had it in the garage because we’re not supposed to have people in our houses yet!

Connor is kind thoughtful and a good boy who it is so helpful at home —most of the time! Love this middle child!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Friday, October 23, 2020

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Back to School 2020/2021

I didn’t do a good job of taking the first day of school pictures, we didn’t really have an official first day of to start- but I would say it was after  Labor Day we “started” school... and since then we’ve been doing more and more each day and the kids are pretty good about getting all of their work completed. Some days are better than others, but I’m okay with what we do and the ability and freedom of our time and how we do things together- lots and lots of learning time together.
So here is my attempt at taking pictures of the kids at the start of the school year late Sept/Oct 2020
Handsome Connor 5th grade
Beautiful Brielle 3rd grade

Can do it Cannon Kindergarten 

Muscle man Cael 11th grade

GQ Lookin’ Brecon 7th