Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Baby Post

I had my 30 week doctor appointment today. I actually never know what to expect when I go to my appointments. Sometimes I am in and out of there in no time and other times I am there for 3-4 hours. I really like my doctor and today's appointment we got to visit the delivery room and stay while the fetal monitors were wrapped around my belly. It is such a sweet sound to hear the swish-swish heartbeat, and the violent static when there is a hard kick or movement from the little one. It was nice to actually hear a sound to all the movement I feel during the day, especially lately when baby girl is really stretching out all along my ribs and sides. I have thought lately how the 3rd trimester is so fun because you can feel the baby move everyday, little elbows and arms, knees and legs. It is strange and uncomfortable, but at the same time reassuring that the little one inside is doing well.
It has also been nice to have an ultrasound at every visit. We check sizes and look all around making sure that all is well. My favorite is catching those glimpses of the face, the sweet nose, eyes, and mouth. I can already tell that this little one is going to be so precious. The times when you can actually see the lips moving as the baby swallows or is just moving her lips around is just so sweet. That really has been my favorite part so far. I am already in love with this sweet little one! Now if only I could figure out what she is going to wear when she gets here.... still working on the "whole new wardrobe" idea. I'm sure we will figure something out within the next little while. It sure feels good to cross off the month of January and move onto Februrary.

I thought I would post the 3-D video we had done today. It might be a little difficult to see but that is little baby girl's face. Just watch her little lips, you can tell that they are moving around... hopefully you can see that :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012


We are so lucky to have such great friends to host a low-key and fun New Years Eve party which consisted of homemade pizza, salad, donuts, and a good game of Ticket to Ride Europe Edition. The boys were entertained with some computer games and watching Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone. Last year we also lit their crispy pine tree with plenty of gas and a match, but the tree just wasn't ready this year. We had such a great time spending the holiday with our friends.

When we got home Connor was easy to put into bed, but Brecon and Cael were pretty sugared-up. I really tried to get them to sleep before 11:45, but when the fireworks started going off it was too late. It really is a huge deal to light off fireworks on New Years and the entire neighborhood really put on a good show. So our bedtime was pushed back a little closer to 1:30 a.m. and getting up for church the next morning was a bit of a struggle, which was pretty evident when in our Relief Society hour we had 6 ladies in the class, and 3 are in the presidency!

We are happy for 2012 and looking forward to all the exciting things that are happening this year!