Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Boys and Visiting Austin, TX

OH YEAH! It's time!

Some friends have gotten after me for not posting very often. For that I apologize, I just get so busy "checking" on everyone else, that I neglect my own! I will try to do better....

We just had our spring break, Cael didn't have school and neither did I. I really had some lofty goals of finishing some furniture projects (which are still in the garage-- unfinished) However, we finally got some much needed rain, so we can't complain about that. Cael is all signed up for soccer this spring, so guess what that makes me? You know it! In all my glory I am there cheering for my little man. Brecon enjoys the snacks and attention from our beloved friends, it's a good time for sure. This picture was taken after his first practice... He's super-pumped about soccer, if you couldn't tell.

Something that I just had to have during our few rainy days was some chicken noodle soup. Not just any canned soup.. This stuff is homemade, with love! I have to thank my wonderful friend who taught me how to boil my own broth and make my own noodles. Seriously, this stuff is de-lish! I had to eat it as soon as it was finished. Now I know the TRUE meaning behind the saying mmm...mmmm good!

ALSO at the end of the week we took a little day trip to the state capitol of AUSTIN to visit my very good friend and squeeze on her sweet baby! It only takes an hour to get to downtown (with no traffic) which was quite a surprise! It a fun little trip with great food and wonderful company! Thanks you guys for hanging out with us. Here are the pictures I promised I would post :)

The crazy visiting FAMILY...The gorgeous new momma (and little baby man).... and the ADULTS (courtesy of Cael's amazing photography skills) Thank you again for the sweet pirate swords... the boys are lovin' them!