Monday, March 31, 2008

Baking and a Garden

Recently I figured out how to make sweet orange rolls, just like Mama Hoopes used to make (except they weren't "rolled" the same- OH WELL). I had tried the recipe a couple of times and the rolls were pretty puny. This time they got bigger! We're chalkin' that one up to adding more flour! Boy, I really had to hold back so I didn't eat the whole pan! Luckily I shared most of them with my friends and neighbors. This was a couple of weeks ago, but just looking at the picture is making me hungry...

ALSO... we've been working in our backyard and we even planted a garden. HOORAY! We had a lot of help from the boys, so I hope our hard work pays off with a bounteous harvest! Cael had the most fun with the water hose. Cael has been learning about plants and what they need to grow. He must think the same rules apply to baby brothers because Brecon got the brunt end of the water hose multiple times. He took it like a man and didn't cry until he got some water right in the face, then the party was over. Also, Brecon enjoyed the dirt, not just playing with it, but eating it as well. And when the dirt was mixed with water... we had a mud party. Kids love mud!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Sing Sing Sing... I love to Sing

Last Sunday I was the (substitute) teacher for Cael's sunbeam class. Singing time is wonderful, I have a tender heart for those sweet little voices and primary music, and I can't hold myself back from singing like I did back in the day. Many sunbeams (3-4 year olds) don't always know the words to many of the primary songs and are busy doing other things ie. turning around, standing up, wandering around the room, every part of their body is WIGGLING, right? Well I was very excited to hear my man Cael sing his little heart out to the "Father's are so Special" song! The music lady was very impressed as well and Cael was chosen to pick the next song. I couldn't hold back the tears for joy, I was so proud! I love that kid!
Also, Brecon who is rolling in at just over 8 months now, is starting to cruise around the furniture and has taken some un-controlled, wild, and very unstable STEPS!! I try not to encourage this sort of behavior, he is my baby after all, but the guy is trying his hardest to catch that big brother of his. It is so fun to have my 2 boys! They really are joys in my life!