Thursday, November 6, 2014

No School Thursday

It was a gray, rainy, no school day. Decided to take the kids out for lunch, a little shopping, and a trip to the donut shop. While at the Goodwill we found plenty of treasures to spend our money on, especially books. Cael somehow was attracted to a mop that folded and would use it as a grabbing device on his brothers and sister. I asked him to put it away several times, but with no luck. My frustration came to its boiling point when Brecon pushed Cael's mop into a shelf almost breaking several glasses on display. I could tell a worker was not pleased with the childish antics and we quickly made our exit from the store. Our next stop at the dollar tree proved to be a little more exciting. Nothing broken, just plenty of goodies that everyone wanted to buy. Brecon was being very kind and wanted to buy a treat for his brother Connor with his own money. We are having many discussions about earning and spending money, I find it interesting to see our conversations be put into action. It is easy to spend our money, but harder to earn more. I hope these lessons about our finances encourage my children to be wise stewards over their money throughout their lives.

I began reading HG Wells "The Time Machine". It is very interesting to begin these literary classics I was forced to read in high school. Hoping I can understand and appreciate them more than I did back then.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

BRECONs 1st grade party

Brecon was walking out the door in his normal clothes when I suddenly remembered it was a cowboy dress-up day for his grade. Luckily, having cowboy clothes on hand is second nature to the Platt's. We grabbed a shirt, hat, bandana, and this guy was ready to go!

All the first graders were in the multi-purpose room in circles for the dance. After they did it, the parents were asked to join in on the fun. We had a fun time shouting "YEE-haw!" slapping our knees, and going circles. Favorite time was raising our arms in the middle- says Brecon.
Mrs. Smith's First Grade Class gets a little crazy in their cowboy outfits 

Brecon  looked especially good later that evening at the hospital. We were getting our flu shots as a family. Now that is one handsome looking cowboy!