Friday, June 30, 2017

Judd Trail & Ginger Pools

Cub Scout hike to Kaena Point

Brecon's cub scout group took a hike out to Kaena point with fearless leaders Bro Stimle and Bro Nakata

Monday, June 19, 2017

Connor funny

Making dinner and Connor walks in-
"It smells so bad in here I could die.... but when it's ready I will eat it because I know it will taste so good"

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Birthday boy Cael

The Start of Summer Fun

The start of summer began with a fun birthday party

Making donuts

A pretty princess girly girl
AND swimming with gorgeous sea turtles

Cub Scout day camp for Brecon- ALL ABOUT BUGS

A healthy dinner of peaches and cookies
and playing about the house together. This summer is starting off so great!

Loving Hawaii- SEA TURTLES

Kaiaka Bay Beach Park

My friend Marianne really wanted to check out a new paddle boarding spot and invited us to tag along. I was excited to go on another adventure before her and the Davis family are moving away. It has been so much fun to have a neighbor that was so great about inviting us and showing us how the really enjoy the island living. So far.. so good!