Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Day

LOTS OF PICTURES from our happy morning (and 1 grumpy teenager)
Matching PJs from Grandma/pa Hoopes
Sleds, Candy, cereal, toys, and gifts of love

Friday, December 20, 2019

December fun

UPDATE of adventures
Ice Skating at the rink down the road has become one of the favorite activities to do out of the house! Brielle really has a good time skating around and trying new tricks. The boys are always coming up with different games to go fast, crash, and chase-- STEAL THE TREASURE is fun, but I am always afraid someone is going to hurt me, but it is also very entertaining to watch.
Grandma/pa Hoopes sent us matching pajama set for the whole family, but sizing correctly was an issue! Here's hoping that we will fit into them this year.
There are always so many parties and music concerts in December. Brecon had his beginning band concert to showcase his trombone skills with the other students. It's fun to watch them get better and better each year.
Our ward church party was on a very cold -33 night, but the place was packed. There was food, singing, and a short nativity re-enactment. I tried to put together a photo booth, but not very many people were interested in taking their picture, I guess. SO I started calling up people to join me or taking pictures of random kids together. My friend Jen Aiton was a good sport and joined me for a quick pic. And I have to get a pictures of my kids... but the biggest kid was off wandering around with his friends- oh well!
I tried cross-country skiing near my house at the golf course, which was a nice trail through the forest and snow, but it was so bitter cold that day I didn't really enjoy the adventure by myself. The next day I went with some friends, it was still cold but we were moving fast and the trail was different- up hill and down- so some more variety on the trail. I thought I was going to be late picking up Cannon from his preschool, and I was the last parent to arrive for the "mommy and me" craft.

I went with Connor's class to a field trip for the Nutcracker ballet. I was laughing that we were all bundled up to ride the bus there and sit in an auditorium for an hour. I was impressed with the amazing bodily skills of the dancers, but the show seemed very long... I prefer the nutcracker-short and sweet!

Me and my buddy
We have been trying to make the most of our season ski pass and trying to get on the hill as much as we can. It is always a production loading up all the gear and getting everyone dressed up, but for some fun and time out of the house it is worth it! Cannon has really been getting better and graduated to the "big" hill-- and all the other kiddos are able to go up and down as much as they want.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

XC Ski with some ladies

Remember that time I went cross-country skiing by myself? It was okay... but really cold and I didn't like it. The first picture shows how I feel... It was a pretty day and nice pastel lighting on the sparkling snow...

...So the next day I went with some friends up to the Birch Hill Ski trail... and it was better. But my friend Angela Jones was keeping a fast pace and so it was hard to keep up when I ran  I lost my speed. There was some variety on the trails, uphill and down which was a little weird being used to downhill skiis that respond better to turning and stopping. It was fun to be out with friends!

I can't figure out how to rotate the pictures on here...

So Cannon was a his preschool and I rushed to make it back to the building for a little craft time with Ms. Karen and the kiddos. I was worried when I saw all the glitter and confetti all over the table, chairs, and floor. The craft was a clear x-mas tree ornament and the kiddos were putting in fluffy "snow" and the glitter and confetti. I was a little later arriving than the other moms, so I felt I needed to stay and help clean up. 

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween Trick or Treat?

Halloween is always such a fun holiday to celebrate- heaps of candy, dressing up in costumes and fun parties! Who could ask for anything more?

Well... since it is also Connor's birthday we try to really make sure he is having a great time- and he is so easy-going and happy with whatever is going on! Easy to please. So our first party was at the church a few days before actual Halloween- dinner and a trunk-or-treat outside. After the potluck  (and the massacre of spilled food and drinks on the carpet floor -ahh!) We stood by our trunk and shoved handfuls of candy into all the kids bags as they shuffled by. It was so cold... I have to wonder why we don't have the kids walk around the gym instead?

HALLOWEEN NIGHT- Bassett Army Community Hospital, where Ben works, has an incredible community event where all through the hospital kids walk around and are given more candy than is possibly healthy for any child to ingest! The time and effort made to decorate and coordinate for each speciality/group throughout the hospital was impressive. The memory I have now as I am writing this (4/1/20) so even 5 months later was the wait in line we suffered (nobody had their coats on!) and it was bitter (not -40 bitter) but a painfully chilling temperature and the kids were whining and poor Brielle with her thin black T-shirt with her arms tucked in to try to conserve her own body heat. We just thought we were going to walk right in and that's why we left our jackets and layers behind... but the gatekeepers were trying to space the people that were entering the building out so the place wouldn't be overrun! At the halfway mark there were some of the outdoor heaters which helped, but also hurt to leave behind when the line started moving along once again. 

The boys with all the loot. SO after their bags were full from the hospital, the big kids went out into the neighborhood to collect some more candy treasure. I put Cael in charge of the candy to give away at the door until we ran out - he set up a heater and covered himself with some coats as he sat outside on the porch so he wouldn't freeze! 

So after all the trick-or-treating was over it was time for presents and Connor's favorite- pumpkin pie!
That kid was excited about every present we had on the table.. even if he didn't know what it was. AP Biology study cards from Cael... "thanks Cael, I can't wait to read these"--Connor. We just love that Connor kid! He is sure fun to be around!

Monday, September 16, 2019