Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Connor's First Grade Field Trips

We went to the state capitol building in Honolulu and walked around. We looked at a metal statue of Queen Liliuokalani. We also saw a copy of the Liberty Bell. I saw the real one in Philadelphia. We got back on the bus and went back to school.

This was at the Tenney Children's Theater of PEACH BOY. First an old lady wanted a child and when she was washing the clothes she found a peach in the river. She picked it up and said "this would be a good meal for dinner" and next thing you know it's dinner time. When they tried to cut up the peach a boy popped out of it! The old man was cutting down wood and these trolls took his lunch. The peach boy, when he was older, went and tried to make the trolls happy, but he had a long way to get there. He met a bird, dog, cat, and a monkey. I liked this play. We also saw THUMBELINA later in the year. It was kind of like PEACH BOY, I think that THUJMBELINA and PEACH BOY are brother and sister.

This was a trip to SEA LIFE PARK. We are sitting getting ready to watch the seal show. They had some pretty good tricks. One seal painted a picture of an angel. I am sitting by my good friends William and Amory. Amory is a big goof, it doesn't really look like he is but I kind of laugh at him.

After a fun day.... We also saw a dolphin show and my teacher is on the left. Her name is Mrs. Destura. She is a nice and likes me, William, and Amory. We usually get things done quickly at school.
Our last field trip: THE JAPANESE CULTURAL CENTER. I got to try on a Japanese sweater, or kimono. It isn't as big as the Polynesian Cultural Center, but it was still good.