Saturday, January 30, 2021

January Jubilee

 Here it is April 4 and I am finally going to tell some of the stories of the pictures from here in January so they might not be as detailed or fun but I will do my best.

Brielle NZ activity days leader had the girls write down some of their positive attributes to encourage healthy self esteem and to share with the girls in the group things that they like about each other. Brielle loved her poster so much and we had it up for quite some time... until it was time to put it away ;)
Connor has been taking photos of himself in different positions bored, happy, and crazy. 
One of the lessons we were talking about Mediterranean food and so we made some pita bread for our hands on activity. 
Carl has completed his drivers license with restrictions and was finally able to get his unrestricted license. This means that he can take other people besides his family members and siblings in the car with him. This has been both exciting but also frightening as Carl likes to drive a little more free spirited with the gas pedal and steering and going around corners. We have had more things to fix and a very expensive repair bill after he ran into the ditch coming down a hill from my friends house in the expedition. 
Family ski day at the hill in our backyard makes for a good Friday or Saturday activity. We are usually able to get four runs in before Cannon decides to head down to the parking lot where he can sit in the car and wait for everyone else to finish their skiing/boarding. 

Connor and Ben gave a talk in church on Sunday. It was Connors very first talk in sacrament meeting and so we worked on his talk together so that he would feel confident in what he was saying. The only interesting part was that no one else was at the church building  because of a few families had tested positive for Covid. The meeting was broadcasted so we were able to send the link so grandma and grandpa hoopes in Wyoming could listen to Connor’s and Ben’s talk. A fun Sunday tradition that we have been doing is bringing a treat over to the youth and other speakers that give a talk that day in church. Connor was very concerned and wondering if anyone would bring him a treat and thankfully we have neighbors close by that were thoughtful to bring us over some fresh bread and jam, sweet popcorn and a few cookies. Talk about a sweet reward for giving a talk in church!!
Deacon- Teacher- and Priest. Connor has been preparing and was ordained a deacon in the Aaronic priesthood. He is the smallest little deacon passing the sacrament and is very serious about the work that he does on Sunday. All of my boys do a fine job fulfilling their priesthood duties!

Brecon has been spending a lot of time sorting and creating Lego-houses and more recently a Lego RV.

Connor found a color experiment in one of our science books and decided to see what would happen with yellow and blue water climbing up the paper towel into a metal cup. We were all surprised to see the amount of water that made it up and down into that cup. Water distribution and color combinations for the win!
Ben had taken these two out during an especially chilly evening and when they got on their cheeks are so Rosie read from their fun out side.