Monday, September 16, 2019

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Start of September

Our neighborhood has a gaggle of kids right around Cannons size- which means there will always be a friend to play with anytime of day- which can be a good thing and a bad thing... but right now it is definitely worth it- whatever makes Cannon a happy camper!

9/14 The university of Alaska Fairbanks had a planet walk community event that we happened to see and join. The kids weren’t that enthusiastic about having to walk over a mile, but the day was gorgeous and I could stand the thought of going home and trying to get the house cleaned up. Glad we didn’t have any plans for that afternoon.

The struggle is real. Wishing I was back in Hawaii and feeling some aloha with this full rainbow while Ben and I were out shopping for his big moose hunt. Trying to embrace where we are... but that isn’t always the easiest thing to do.

The colors are really beautiful this fall, I know the iphone pictures doesn't do it justice, but what a beautiful forest!