Monday, April 20, 2020

A New Normal

The kids are working on school, piano practice, and finding ways to stay busy. The snow has all but melted off of the roads and so we have taken our bikes out in the neighborhood for some epic rides. Connor especially has been asking to go on the most rides when it isn't raining. We brought out the sidewalk chalk and decorated our driveway. It was really surprising that all the work we did to keep the driveway clear, even though we weren't always successful, the snow still melted around the same time as everyone else.

We had our first Sunday school lesson with some friends from church and it was good to see those people who joined in and to talk about how things are going. Some technical issues at the beginning but we made it through.

Some observations from the 6 weeks we've been at home:
Cael has been the hardest to cooperate with the social distancing measures from the beginning. As with all teenagers, he decided what he wanted to do and would disregard all other advice and recommendations. He did create a family chore chart with a weekly rotation that has been helpful in getting everyone to cooperate because they know what they are supposed to do. I am still involved in helping the little kids with their work, but for the most part they are doing in on their own. Without any "responsibilities" and he doesn't have any real work from school. The school district decided that any work that was turned it could help their grade, but would not be "graded" in an official sense.

Brecon somehow finds ways to wander around the house "looking busy" and he completes most assignments and is cheerful to be around, except when he isn't. However, for multiple step process project or assignments from school, he doesn't finish the work because he shuts down. We've had to make adjustments with what electronic/internet devices he can use because of some issues-- and we are hoping that he can stay focused on his goals and make good choices for himself. He does a good job entertaining and chasing after Cannon, tickling and making loud noises.

Connor is the hardest worker with the best attitude, usually done with all of his piano and homework before the other kids have gotten out of bed. I have really appreciated his helpfulness and good nature. He is appreciative and says "thank you for dinner" (or whatever meal we are eating.. sometimes I feel like we are eating all day). We did have a moment last week when he took a math test and got a 60 %. What had happened was he became frustrated with the work and would just click through the practice problems without practicing them. When the test came he really didn't understand how to solve the work and thus the poor score. Ben and I went through some more problems with him and he was able to retake the test with a much better score.

Brielle is creative and loves to draw and color. She has been watching tutorials on YouTube and shows me her final pieces and they look pretty great. We are trying to help her with math and knowing the math facts a little faster, but she begins to stress and get all worked up with the "race the teacher" portion comes on. I've started reading to the kids in the morning- they are quiet (or sleeping) but I've found it is the best time. Brielle requested Pippi Longstocking and we are both getting a kick out of what a silly girl she is.

Cannon has been happy to have his siblings home to play with. When we first had everyone home I charged up our amazon fire tablets and Cannon had the oldest and worst one that he would use, however, I began to notice some anger and frustrations from this little guy-- so I had take his away and after his initial ANGRY ELF... has been doing much better. He and Brielle are doing all sorts or playing and having fun creating and making messes. He especially loved the beds on the stairs and the hours of sledding, jumping, and climbing on them was worth the mess.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Brielle's Birthday

IT'S GREAT TO BE 8... except when you can't have a birthday party with friends because of the social distancing measures and COVID-19 and it's one of the biggest birthdays of your life and you are excited but it's still a bummer...

ummm...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Even though all of that seems like it was a bit of a bummer, we tried to made it fun. Ben came home early from work and sent me to grab some *goodies from wal-mart (*essentials). The birthday banner, streamers, and balloons, and 2 exploding confetti cannons. A huge mess, but a way to add to the party atmosphere. Ben helped make the Funfetti birthday cake per Brielle's request.

Brielle says: What I like about my birthday is that grandma and grandpa Hoopes were there (on facetime) and I got my favorite kind of cereal- (Cap'n Crunch Berries.)

We had curry for dinner and watched the new Dr. Dolittle. It was a fun family party at home edition.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Coronvirus... what next?

It has been an interesting few weeks to say the least. At the end of our spring break, the school district notified the parents that school would not be back in session for another 2 weeks... which then turned into the end of the month... which then changed until (maybe) May. MAY?!?! What a roller coaster to be on considering all the closures and precautions our town (and the United States) is making because of the serious respiratory virus. We had been watching the news and hearing about the COVID-19 and the havoc it was reeking in China in January- an epidemic- and then in spread worldwide over the next few months and recently the World Health Organization officially called it a pandemic. Sports, concerts, broadway= CANCELLED. Restaurants, churches, schools, and non-essential offices= CLOSED. It is very surreal to me that something microscopic could cause such upheaval everywhere.

Our "first" day did not go well for me. I'm usually a roll-with-the-punches kinda lady-- but my teenager felt the need to see how far he could push my buttons and something snapped. All the frustration, anger, uneasiness, fear... and more frustrations- yelling and yelling some more. I don't know why, it was the worst-- I was just the worst!

but then the storm passed and now...

There is less bad days than good. A better schedule and routine has helped to alleviate the worry and keep us all busy. We have assignments from everyone's teachers and I'm grateful for the sunshine and that the kids can go out for "recess"-- but health recommendations are to stay 6 feet away from people that are not living in our home to minimize exposures-- to flatten the curve.