Saturday, September 27, 2008


I love smiles. I love to smile and I love it when my boys smile... it just makes me (you guessed it) SMILE!

Here are some of my favorites for the moment. (ABOVE) My honey on the 4th of JULY 2008! He's proud to be an American... or he's in a good mood. Either way, it's a great shot! (Those tree branches aren't really shooting right out of his head...but they sure look like it)
This-river-is-really-great SMILE. You just know this kid is having a good time, right?

And just for fun: The classic yell-and-have-your-mouth-open kinda smile. (check out my nephew in the background. THAT is a happy kid!)

and I-just-got-some-candy-that-really-is SWEEET SMILE

You know what they say "a smile is contagious"... now that's something I don't mind sharing! Go ahead and spread some today!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Random Post- by Becky

I don't usually participate in this sort of thing, I don't know why but I'm going to do this one. It was probably the deadly threat that was given along with it, but hey... whatever gets the job done.

So here it goes: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 obsessions/collections, 3 random/surprising facts about me.


1) I broke both of my arms (at the same time) when I was in 3rd grade... AND it was on APRIL FOOLS DAY. It was a regular game of "chase the boy" gone wrong. I should have known that running on top of folded up bleachers wasn't safe and I had to go and fall (I was kind of pushed). So when the hospital called my mom, she didn't believe it was true. After the second call, she came and felt so bad for not coming the first time. Poor lady. Anywho, I learned a valuable lesson about heights and breaking bones. A valuable lesson indeed.

2) I love the feeling of a clean house, but it very rarely stays that way. I seriously try so hard to make sure things are put away but somehow it all gets very messy very fast. This goes along with an obsession because I love to vacuum! There is something about it that I love, don't ask me why.

3) I have a dent in my head, that's right, a dent. It's basically hidden by my hair, but anytime I get my hair done by someone, it never fails they are quite surprised and shocked to discover it. I calmly reassure them it's nothing serious and we get back to business, hair cutting business.


1) You already know I love a clean house, I don't love to clean the house, but I love the feeling.

2) There is seriously something wrong with me... I have to look at CRAIGSLIST for something that I need. It doesn't matter that I don't "need" it, but if it's a great deal I feel a desire to get it. I'm trying to stop this one, it's eating up a lot of my free time.

3)... sorry I just had to check Craigslist one more time :)


1) Finish my Bachelors degree in something amazing! I already have the most fabulous job in the world, but it would be nice to have that cute little diploma, just in case. And it's also something I want so I can say to my kids "I did it, so you can too".

2) Stop checking Craigslist so many times :) AND practice speaking in front of a large group of people without sounding like a total idiot. Slow down, get to the point, and be precise. Sounds easy enough, but I struggle.

3) Set more goals... I really came up short on this one.

FEARS (this is the scary one)

1) I have a fear of something terrible happening to family members and I can't do anything to help. This includes death and injury to my boys and Cael does not sit in a chair all day long, so his chances are pretty much doubled, right? Don't we all have this one?

2) Burglary. I have this terrible front door with a nice round window that anyone can look right in and see what's going on. I scream every time someone knocks on the door, or if I'm close by and I catch a glimpse of people on the street, I scream again. So I'm afraid that a bad guy is going to break in and I run to rescue my boys and then we are trapped. I know.. it's a scary one.

3) I don't really fear this one, but I'm not looking forward to the time when Ben is deployed with the Army. I guess I am afraid that he will leave and not make it home, that would not be cool... moving on...


1) MY little FAMILY. I am amazed at how much JOY I have during the day, during the simple days where nothing too special happens but maybe the boys play really well together, or I am able to hold them as they giggle over a silly game that we are playing. I love them more than words can describe. Also my sweet and caring HUSBAND who is often at the point beyond total exhaustion after working all day (and sometimes all night) but still grabs and plays with the boys as they laugh with delight! Their reactions when he comes home is priceless: instant smiles and screams as they run to greet him at the front door.

2) OF COURSE... another JOY I have comes from the knowledge of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. This knowledge brings peace and hope to my life and I know many things that are true. One of my favorites is that this life is not the end, and our family can be together FOREVER!

3) and last but not least... another JOY I have is finishing! TA-DA!!

well that was a fun one... I'm feeling a little like that was enough for me for my first "tag". Baby steps...Oh. I'm not going to tag anyone else. But if you get bored... be my guest!