Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Family fun day- Sunday lunar eclipse - picnic and parks

This Saturday we wanted to do many things with the family – Lucky for us there was plenty to do. First thing in the morning we took a ferry over to Constitution Ireland for a family fun day – they were animals to see and tours around the island. We decided to take a hike to the redoubt seven, it was a perfect trail to take the kids on. I was mostly glad that Briel had remembered to wear shoes – most days we are and so lucky.
After our hike and making it back to catch the ferry, we headed to wards the orange county farmers market and museum for a fall Festival. It wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but we saw old tractors and learned about honeybees. Each of the kids were able to pick a pumpkin and paint it however they wanted. 
Canon decided he wanted to start getting ready for Halloween with A moustache and black eyebrows from daddy.
My friend bought me this super cute dress and I work to church on Sunday – the only hard part was trying to feed Canon. It didn't exactly go over very well!
We stayed up to watch the lunar eclips and blood moon Sunday night with our friends. It was a little disappointing because the clouds were blocking are you most of the night – but we had fun staying up late. Towards the end of the eclipse the kids had settled down with blankets and pillows and Brielle had fallen asleep with Connor. 

The leaves are really starting to change and look gorgeous that it was a perfect day to play at the park with friends!

Jersey Shore Labor Day