Saturday, August 21, 2021

Harvest Day at Big M farm

I saw that a local farm was having their harvest day on Saturday and so I invited a couple of friends to join in on the party. It took about an hour to drive out to their farm but when you don’t have anything else going on, what’s an hour? The crazy thing was my friend locked her keys in her car right when we arrived so the first little bit was trying to figure out how to unlock her car and get her keys out. A couple of the gentleman were trying to pry her door open in order to flip a metal coat hanger down but Chloe was then able to get a hold of her roadside assistance so that they could come out in a locker door— exciting times!
It was kind of the end of the raspberry season so it’s kind of hit or miss on picking the Golden raspberries which are normally super delicious but these were covered in mold we had to be really careful which ones we were picking and some of them we’re just too far gone which was pretty sad. The rest of the vegetables were really fun to pick we had a great time grabbing green beans peas, broccoli, cauliflower, and even a big ol cabbage!

I sure love hanging out with my lady friends they are the best!

look at the size of that cauliflower! It’s as big as his head!
A fun thing they had was a tractor pulling a wagon all around the perimeter of the vegetable patch and farm. We all had a good time singing along and laughing at the driver when we would hit a bump on the road!

Gavin and Cannon ready for a fun ride together


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

First day of school 2021

Being on the trip in Utah I started to have that excited feeling you get right before Christmas time. You know something exciting is about to happen you’re looking forward to the fun and excitement of Christmas morning – so this was how I was feeling about school starting for the kids!
There is 1/ seventh eighth grade class at the elementary school and we decided that it would be good for Brecon to go here this year. It’s fun to have four kids in the same school and A LOT easier when we talk about schedule and transportation. 
Everyone was excited to meet their teacher and to see their friends at school. I think we are going to have a really great year…. Now I just need to figure out what to do all day with everyone gone ;)


Sunday, August 15, 2021

12 day Trip to WY-UT

 The pictures are out of order but it captures the fun that we had on 12 days going back to Utah and Wyoming to see family and attend reunions and go to ballroom dance camp and pick up Brecon and Connor from their cowboy internship at grandma and grandpa Hoopes‘s house. It was such a great trip but at the end we were all ready to come home… more on that adventure later!

Day 1-2 flew in on a redeye flight leaving at two in the morning and making it into Salt Lake around 9 o’clock in the morning after almost missing our connection in Seattle. We were all so exhausted I crashed at my grandmas house and basically slept the whole day! Thankfully so did my travel buddies Brielle and cannon. 

Day 2-4 Wednesday- Friday We went down to Thanksgiving point and spent the afternoon catching up with my friend Maryanne and her girls. Jenn also came over with Ainsley and a cousin and we played at the children’s Museum and had early dinner at cubbies - a local burger joint- mmmm- tasty. We also went to the Provo rec center to find the ballroom dance kids that were also spending the day there and we got to see some of our friends- it is an awesome swimming facility- everyone had a blast!

Day 4-7 Friday- Tuesday Drive to Star Valley to spend the weekend at my mom and dad‘s house. Brecon and Connor had already been up for 2 1/2 weeks helping grandpa cowboy, herd cattle, fix fence, pick rocks, and live the Starvalley summer life picking huckleberries and going on side-by-side rides!! Quite a fun time (I’ll post the pictures we got from their adventures separately). I also was in town for my high school class 20 year reunion. It it was fun to see the friends who came to our class picnic. We also went raspberry picking and ate at delicious Burger joint again with the fries, Onion rings, milkshakes, and fry sauce! We hiked to the intermittent spring, went to my aunt and uncle‘s 50th wedding anniversary dinner, the fair parade and lots of candy, and a singing competition called the vocalist. 

Day 8-9 Tuesday- Wednesday Park city friends retreat. I found out some friends were meeting up in Park City. The hotel was pretty fun with the game room and a swimming pool the kids had a great time well my friends and I laughed and ordered almost $200 worth of sushi which was not quite enough for everyone -Wednesday morning we went to a hot yoga class followed by the afternoon at the spa and soaking in a hot tub and full body massage. We went out to eat that night and met up with a few more friends that came town. We laughed and giggles- just what I needed.

Day 9-12 Wednesday-Saturday Platt family campout I. The Unitas. While we were in Park city I decided to send Cael with the kids in a separate car to go to our camping shopping and to head up to meet grandma and grandpa at the campsite. I was going out to dinner with the friends I didn’t know if I would make it that night but for sure would be there Thursday morning. Everyone was so impressed that I sent my teenager to get all of our camping food and that he made it to the campsite with bags of candy and some food that we needed for the next four days!! So proud 🥲 

So I leave dinner with the friends and head up to grab a few things in Evanston before making my way up to the campsite and is it starting to get dark and I am starting to get worried. I don’t know where exactly the campsite was they wrote directions and left them on the counter I grabbed a few pillows and pillowcases and I decided to just give it a shot if I got lost I would turn around and go back and stay at the house in Evanston. Well just 40 minutes into the forest and I was able to find where my children were at the right campsite. 

Day 12 Saturday We packed up camp after a great time with our cousins and aunties and uncles because our flight is leaving Saturday night at 8 o’clock. Hot shower helped us all feel so much better and we were all looking forward to getting home to our own beds that night—however— after arriving at the airport there was a delay which would guarantee that we would miss our connection flight from Seattle to Fairbanks and so we can either stay in Salt Lake and fly out the next morning or fly to Seattle and find a hotel there around midnight. I decided to take the hotel coupon voucher and we stayed Saturday night with the hopes of getting on our flight the next day around 2 o’clock. I decided to be a fun mom and we went to a real movie theater popcorn and two drinks and pizza and one hundred dollars later we watched “free guy”. We were excited about the breakfast in the morning and the hotel swimming pool- Cannon was especially excited to swim. While we had eaten breakfast we went back up the room to get changed and everyone was just kind of messing around Cannon had his swimming suit on and I was distracted looking at the tickets and trying to organize a few things and canon kind of made this weird sound I had heard like with the door close and then he comes running over to me and he’s like “ahh  blood” he had smashed his thumb between the heavy hotel door causing the nailbed to completely pinch and rise up and there was cuts on the side and so I was so worried I called my mom and she said we better go to the ER which is not what you wanna do when you’re about to catch a flight but we did and they cleaned things up and put a couple of stitches on each side of his thumb- and he had this big old bandage on his hand- poor guy! He didn’t cry from the injury but he was more upset that he wasn’t going to get to go swimming!

so we get out of the ER in time to grab some food and meet my mom with all the other kids at the airport our flight is supposed to leave at two so we planned on getting there at 12:30 when we arrive the lady at the front desk tells us that there is something wrong with our airplane and it probably won’t be leaving until four so we decided just hang out at the airport since we checked all of our bags and gone through security and our flight doesn’t leave until 6:30!! It was miserable- but the kids loved all the extra screen time! We made it to Seattle- grabbed some grub abs boarded the plane - however we sat on the tarmac for an hour just waiting!! 

I just wanted to get home- and had about had it with airports and delays and just waiting! I think we ended up landing around 1:30 in the morning and got to bed around two! What an adventure - it was so good to be home again!