Monday, August 6, 2018

First Day of School 2018

August 1, 2018
After our whirlwind trip back to the mainland, we were nervous about  being gone two weeks before school started and getting home the day before everyone was supposed to go. I had gotten everyone’s  supplies ready and backpacks all set to go before our trip, so that was one less thing to worry about. We were all still on Utah time so waking up early wasn’t much of a problem especially with their excitement for the new school year to begin.
With  Cael starting high school, we knew we were in for some big changes for our family. Early morning seminary and after school activities would begin to occupy most of our teenagers time, but we are also glad that he is involved and meets new friends with each activity
ODD YEARS- Cael 9th grade Brecon 5th grade Connor 3rd grade and Brielle 1st grade- Cannon at home but really wanted to go to school too!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

JULY- BYU, trampoline, parks, and waffles

We still had some time to play in utah and tried to make the most of it. It was very hot-
So I tried to find things to do that didn’t cost an arm and a leg—not so expensive. It was also nice to spend time with Great Gma Ivory, but my circus in her tiny apartment starts to get nerve racking- I’m always worried about what precious crystal/vase/figurine my kids are going to break. It is better to meet at a park and watch the kiddos run around and do their own crazy there.

We lucked out that day with a free lunch program They had at the park- sandwiches, chips, milk and fruit for everyone!