Sunday, June 30, 2013

Running out of time...

 On a very specific drive out from our village we always would say "we should stop there". It was a neat little water log and we thought we could get fresh drinking water and enjoy a nice little pit stop. It was only 8 minutes away from our house... but we just could never stop there until one day we did! Ben bought a picnic lunch and we were off. It was raining hard but we were running out of days to do this fun activity. Connor and Brielle both fell asleep on the way (lucky kids) and the rest of us had a short picnic in the rain. So the bad news is this: posted on our fresh water log was a sign kinetrinkwasser -- DO NOT DRINK --- talk about raining on our parade/picnic! Figuratively and literally!
 Here are some of the greatest ladies I know at a fun yoga night at the church. Funniest moment at the end with a little "toot" from the Senior Missionary during rolling time. Not a laugh in the whole room-- I was dying from laughter inside!
 A cute friend is baptized! SO far we are 3 for 4 attending their baptisms. The Chatterley's were in our ward in Texas before we moved. They just like to follow us around the world... can't wait to see them soon here in New York (fingers crossed)

 At a farewell Bar-B-Q for Dr. Platt and all the other providers that were leaving that summer we enjoyed some custom face-painting. I was very surprised I was the only non-child to get a fantastic job done. I felt like I should wear it more often...
This is a fun reminder of our little street back in Germany. Our neighbors chasing after our kids as they ride their bikes or run down the street. We were lucky if they were wearing clothes this day. Most times we weren't so lucky!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

St Martin Kindergarten

Here is Brecon with his teachers, Frau Mizer and Frau Ertl. We loved them and all their kindness for the children in the Regenbogen Gruppe (Rainbow Group) They were so sweet and gave Brecon special attention on this last day. He was able to share a small treat with the entire class and all the children drew a small picture in his friend book.

Frau Kraus also helped in the afternoons and made sure Brecon was using the German language whenever possible.
The fun classroom with toys, tables, puzzles, and games. Their artwork was displayed out in the hallway with their coats and shoes. I loved how they had to change into shoes for inside the classroom everyday. Brilliant for keeping the room clean from the outside dirt.

As we picked up Brecon  that afternoon the teachers all gave him big hugs and said good things to him. "We are going to miss you" "Safe travels in your journey" etc.. Frau Mizer was especially emotional when she gave Brecon her last hug goodbye. They really love their kindergarten children! And so do I!

I was so grateful for the kindness they showed to Brecon, and to me. They were very encouraging with my small attempts of German with them. I know I sounded pretty awful but they were smiling and excited when I would try to speak it. This opportunity helped our family in so many ways. Brecon was able to be in a place that was his own and not be overshadowed by Cael. When Ben was deployed it was a great way to get me going for the day. I was so exhausted with the pregnancy and running errands with Connor that it was a real blessing to have this wonderful place where Brecon was learning and interacting with other children. I love this place!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The movers are coming....

I had been avoiding this day, thinking that if I just ignored it (packing day) then we really wouldn't have to leave this wonderful place. It's not too big of a deal, the moving company does all the work, we just needed to do the preparatory business in each room. Such a mess, but also I had gone through most of the rooms and we had cleared out the things we didn't need.... we just needed to grab our personal items and a few essentials (kitchen, bedding, bathroom towels, etc...) before they arrived on the 11th of June.
We were all pretty exhausted from the birthday party the night before, so instead of doing our last check through the house before our movers were scheduled to arrive the next day we went to sleep with plans to get all the things gathered that we needed bright and early in the morning.
WELL..... bright and early came and we got a knock on the door! It was a furious dash to grab things as these guys came into our house like a whirlwind. I thought in my mind, surely they would pack up the basement before the bedrooms-- that would be a big fat NO--- This morning was seriously so crazy. Running kids who missed the bus off to school, grabbing clothes and other things before they were wrapped and taped up tight in boxes. I couldn't believe how quickly they moved. They had a job to do and they did it so fast! We probably were slowing them down due to our interference, but there were certain things we need to hold onto until the very end.
 We finally were able to set up a "corner" where we started throwing our bedding, towels,  paperwork, books, and journals, etc.. that we were holding onto. It filled up the room on the other side of the picture above. I've only just now begun to put things away where they can be used again.
It was crazy! But after the initial tornado... we started to feel like we could slow down and watch these guys really get to work. Somewhere in there Brielle took a nap (a really long one) and the sun even shone for us, then there was a slight drizzle... perfect moving/packing weather.
Day One- They completely boxed and loaded up the garage, shed, living room, and the bedrooms.
Day Two- 3 big rooms in the basement, kitchen, and leftovers from different spots

AND that is how fast our entire house was packed up and loaded onto the moving truck. Sixteen Thousand pounds later (we are only allowed to move 17K).... and this move is really happening!

Monday, June 10, 2013


Monday was a very busy day getting ready for a small cake and ice cream birthday party for Cael. We had to run several errands, pick up our provisions at the grocery store, wrap some presents, and bake a homemade cake. I was grateful for my family in town to help, I don't think I could have done it all alone.
 As hard as I tried to keep him awake, Connor just didn't make it for the party. Ben had a little fun pulling a new ventriloquist act and we all had a good laugh. That little kids seems to fall asleep a lot before fun parties or bigger events.... we tried to wake him but it was to no avail.


 We knew the very first present Cael opened needed to be a beautiful one. He really was so funny as he opened his fancy crown and earrings. It was almost scary how good he looked with them on.

 Aunt Amanda and Uncle Joseph also joined in on the fun. Cael really was excited for his TRIANGLE-LANG (and he has had to rescue it several times from off of our roof)

 Our good friend pulled a traditional joke on the birthday boy. "Doesn't this cake just smell so delicious? Your Mom really worked hard to make it...." SMASH- Face in the cake trick does it every time. The frosting (and cake) were surprisingly solid so not too much stuck to Cael's face. Still funny then and now :)

To wrap up the party we had our finger laser light dance party. We got a dance circle going and everyone who wanted got to do a solo.... Love to giggle watching these funny kids bust a move.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Joseph and Amanda VISIT!

 Cael ran in the mile during field day at school. He was the only 3rd grader and finished 10th with a time of 7.09. I couldn't believe it! He has improved almost a whole minute from just a few weeks ago. I can't keep up with that kid, so much energy and determination. While in the "Run Club" he also wanted to make sure he had the most blocks filled in on his chart and so he ran an extra 3 miles everyday after school. I would either following along on my bike or make the tally marks as he would run by. He wasn't running fast, but he had a good pace and stride. Now we just have to buy him some new running shoes. The ones he is wearing now are all torn up.

 We have had some family come to visit, Joseph on his way home from Singapore and Amanda from the states. Right after getting picked up from the airport Ben took them to Paris for a few days and then we had them here at home to explore some of the sights nearby. Of course we went to Nuremberg for an evening stroll and up to the castle, the main center of town and up to the Imperial Castle. We tried to catch the Dokumentationzentrum (a museum about how the National Socialist rose to power) but we got there an hour before closing and they said it was "impossible" to go inside. Next time...

 We bought cherries from the last fruit stand open in the main platz before we left for home. I just love how he looks like a gnome with that paper sack on his head. He even gave the boys a double-cherry for an earring and we all enjoyed the sweet fruit on our stroll.
 This guy had a sweet set up of buckets and bubble solution. The breeze up the street was just enough to make the bubbles fly. Ben kept saying that this guy was a genius- set up a jar for "donations" and let people have at it for as long as they want. Could be a nice little side job someday....
 Brielle just wasn't happy with the bubbles in her face so our bubble friend came over to make her a balloon doggie. She would cry out with that sad face and we just laughed because she was being so funny!
 Look at that family and cherry faces!
 OF course we needed to go to the Sommerrodelbahn.... Cael insisted it was well worth our time.

 We had never been here yet and it is so close. This little town is adorable, walled, and medieval-- completely charming. We walked around...
 Took some pictures
 Joseph and I are making a U and W for the best university in the world!
 Connor was still flexing from a previous picture. Love have our Aunt and Uncle here with us!
 And found the famous street! I insisted we find this place before we started on the Night watchman's tour- FUNNY and a good little walk around the town. We had divided out the children so each adult had one child to watch over. Somehow by the middle Ben actually had the 3 little ones while Cael and Joseph had each other.
So happy we made it to Rothenburg and enjoyed the night life and city with our family and visitors too! Can't believe we haven't been there more times! It is well worth it!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Ben had been experimenting with Connor and occasionally taking off his training wheels. Each time ended with Connor voicing his frustrations "I want my wheels back". Then out of the blue, I came outside to find him on the little red Schwinn bicycle with our neighbor/sister Gabby. It is the same bike that the older brothers learned how to ride without training wheels- AND now we can say that Connor can ride that bike all by HIMSELF! SO PROUD!

I helped him get started and realized after a short time that he didn't need me to help him balance the bike. Ben had mentioned a few days earlier that he thought he was ready for the big step-- BUT I wasn't quite sure. I ran behind cheering him on... so happy for him... also realizing that he is not my little one and how fast he is growing up. At times he would lean too far over without pedaling and he would just stop, I'd call out "keep pedaling- YOU are the driver-- WATCH OUT!" All in excitement and not ever mad of course. I want him to be safe and always think about what is going on around him, never give up, and "keep pedaling"!

I watched with a little pride in my heart (the good mommy kind) Obviously because I was there for the momentous occasion. After I knew he could do it I ran in and grabbed the camera to capture those special moments and ran along to cheer him on. He really grew from a little boy into a "big" boy that day.