Cannon and Connor are having so much fun in the sand while the other kids are out in the water surfing. The waves have been getting so much bigger up on the North Shore and we are trying to figure out how to catch the waves better. Cael started being able to stand up and surf the wave the first time he tried (that kids is amazing) and so Ben has been trying more are letting Brecon practice to get better.
Cannon is really frustrated that he can't drink his slushy fast enough. Right now he is mad because I took it away. If we aren't too "cold" from surfing, we stop at 7-11 for some hot chocolate and sugar before heading home.
The mutual activity Halloween costume party.
This is a short hike KOLEKOLE pass located here on Schofield. The view over to the west side is pretty amazing, and because it is so easy to walk to, we try to take our friends when they come to visit.
We've been spending every Tuesday and Thursday evening at wrestling practice and then all day Saturday on the meets. Each of the boys had some great matches, but it is pretty fun to watch Connor's matches. The two opponents flip over, top and bottom, take-down and rolling over. Somehow Connor ends up on top and gets the back points that he needs before the referee blows the whistle. I like that the boys are working hard, but I just wish the meets didn't take ALL of our Saturday fun.
The mountains are ripe with tart strawberry guava. On one of our adventures, we picked a whole sack to bring back home. My friend sent me a link on what to do to make some syrup and jam and we have loved in on our pancakes and toast. We are looking forward to the next year when we can get some more and share with our friends and neighbors.