There is nothing like paddle boarding and playing on the beach until the sun goes down. Cannon did not appreciate being buried in the sand, but his brothers thought it was quite entertaining. I sure love these relaxing and playful times with my family.
Even though we are in Hawaii, when the sun goes down and we have all been playing in the water- WE GET COLD! Not Wyoming cold or New York "cold"... but we are shivering and the kids are complaining and fighting over the driest towel. So one of our new "traditions" is to go to 7-11 and pick up a few large hot chocolates that we all share on the drive home. Somehow we also end up purchasing a few large SLURPEES too! Why the frozen beverage when we are cold? Anyway, there is a special mixture that we all like and it is very important to get the ratio correctly. One thing is if you fill it all the way with liquid from the hot chocolate machine there are burned tongues because it is like drinking hot magma! So we add creamer and milk from the coffee dispenser and the perfect temperature for warming our bellies and bodies while we head for home.