July 19-23 Our journey up to our new home in Alaska would require all the modes of transportation and we would eventually use them all- by air (flying to Utah for our visit), by sea (the ferry from Bellingham to Haines), and by land (hours and hours of driving --at least 12+ after our 3 day ferry)... and I have to say that our kids really were fantastic travelers!
One thing I want to remember is how refreshing the ferry ride felt- to simply relax and watch movies or take naps instead of driving- it was just nice to recover from the “lost wallet” incident and not have anything to worry about.
Also- driving through Canada was gorgeous, but long. We had made reservations to stay in Beaver (in Canada) and the smoky skies, smell, and oppressive heat made us wondering and questioning what we were getting ourselves into? Also the summer heat and swarming mosquitoes were not making us feel very happy- trying to sleep that night wasn’t easy and everyone was feeling frustrated... we actually wish we had kept driving because the hotel wasn’t that great either. Oh well!
The truck looks a little crowded.. .and it feels crowded too! Even though we had room for all of our gear and bags from the traveling, our food shopping and bringing along extra "just in case" things began to add up! Plus our families were handing us our treasures that they had held on to for us for years. Finally they were able to be in our possession.
On one side in the YUKON Canada sign... and ALASKA on the other. The forest has a clearing separating the two countries... a line of demarcation. We jumped from one side to the other before the kids ran back to the truck so we could continue on our journey.