Sunday, July 22, 2007

The rains came down...

Grandma and Grandpa Hoopes came to visit this past week and see their newest grandbaby and enjoy some time here in the Texan sun. We were very excited to show them all the "fun" things to do here in San Antonio... however, the weather would not cooperate! Monday was the only sunny day and we spent it walking around the Alamo (remember it?). It was also the only day we went swimming, because everyday after Monday was raining... raining and raining some more. It was very disappointing to say the least, but at least we were able to spend time together :)

Here is the ALAMO... Grandpa Richard, Me (with Brecon inside pouch), Grandma Kathi and Cael in the front

Here is a fountain around the grounds of the Alamo area.. doesn't it just look good enough to jump in on a hot day? Cael was very tempted, believe me, but didn't grab any of the coins laying on the bottom.

So the rest of the week we spent time doing indoor things. Organizing and putting things away, making cookies and other yummy treats, shopping, going out to eat and to the movies... etc. All in all it was a great visit. Cael got to wrestle with Grandpa, and we had a good laugh while they did. We only wish it hadn't rained everyday (besides Monday)

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