Sunday, June 8, 2008

That's just crazy!

This week is going to be a busy one... so much to do... so little time. Ben offered to wake me up at 5 (when he gets up to go to work) so that I would have plenty of time to get everything done for the day. I need to get things done, but waking up at 5? That's just crazy talk.


DeAnn McWhorter said...

Ok, now I know why Ben and Brian get along so well!!! Brian is always trying to make this suggestion to me. Crazy talk...I like that line and I think I will use it the next time this suggestion comes up. Us moms need our sleep!!!

Cynthia said...

Good luck getting everything in - 5 is definitely crazy talk - you might have more time to get things done, but the energy will fizzle out long before bed time!

Necha said...

What are you doing that makes you so busy? If I lived closer I would come help you...and then we wouldn't have to get up intil 10:00because we would get the work done twice as fast! Now there is an idea! Thats it, I'm moving to Texas!