Sunday, August 31, 2008

A first for us.

I never really thought that this day would come. It seemed so far in the future that I never really was concerned about it.......... until now. Everyone says how "they grow up so fast" and it is something I believe. But what made us take this step, the answers really aren't that clear. Ben and I discussed how this would help Cael in developing social skills, adjusting to different environments, and other well intentioned thoughts. There was no turning back. We were going to do this.... and we have done this. The elementary school in our area offers a 3 hour Pre-K program for several categories of children. One of the qualifications include active duty military families (which we are). So after making the necessary steps, we enrolled him in and the wheels were set it motion.

Monday September 25th. Cael's first day of School (Pre-K, but still)

There is a small gathering of parents and children in front of the school. There are several emotions present: nervousness, excitement, and even joy on some "veteran" parents faces. My boy was excited, I could tell, but I wasn't so sure I felt the same. Was I doing the right thing? Could I really do it?

After the teacher walked through the doors and had the kids form a line. Cael stood dutifully and waited for the line to make the move for the inside of the building. I gave him a kiss, told him to be good, and hugged him tightly. He looked so big, and yet he is only my 4 year old boy. As he began to move forward, he looks back at me and smiles.

My boy is going to do just fine....

but am I?

Well.... After wiping away my tears (and seeing a few other mothers doing the same) I took my other little man away and we spend some quality time together. And by quality time and mean he takes a nap and I clean the house. Hey, it works. Yes I will be fine. It is only 3 hours. It's been a week now. I've adjusted and I made it.

but No-- I haven't got over the fact that Cael is growing up and our family is "busy" during the week. He has school EVERY DAY from 12-3 (I know, it's not that long) but everyday? It is just something we've adjusted to and I'm sure I'll get used to the fact that he is no longer my little baby. It will take time... but I will be fine.


Necha said...

Whoo! I about cried! I can't even imagine how that feels to send your baby off to school!! You are a brave woman!!

Debbie said...

I didn't cry when Kaelyn started pre-K. She was too excited to go to school. But guess what? I cried after I dropped her off the first day of Kindergarten last year. It's so weird to realize your firstborn is getting so big.

Cynthia said...

You are brave - I have a hard time with three days a week and I had to hold back the tears. Garrett thinks I'm funny - but I guess after reading your blog, I'm a mother...