Sunday, April 11, 2010

FOR SALE and other fun stuff

Having a house on the market is fun.... well, not really. We pretty much have to keep it clean all the time because we often get last minute calls from agents wanting to show it on a very short notice. This has been very exciting to say the least and we've now had a couple of offers! HOORAY! I've been wondering why I waited so long to give our house those finishing touches... not that it looked bad before, but seriously- now it is complete and I'm moving in a few months!! AHH!!!

In the meantime, we've been selling a few things here and there on craigslist. Here are a few of the "causualties"---


guess how old he turned this year....

Our life is wonderful, going to be very crazy for the next while with all the selling and selling some more and packing and all the paperwork and passports.... but I'm sure that we will make it through and we will be where we need to be in no time.


Necha said...

Dang, and I never got down to see you! (I wonder what that says about Germany?) I hate that you guys will be so far away, but I am excited for you all the same!

Jennie said...

I want to cry a little thinking about you guys selling your house. I always knew you would have to move, but I think I was holding onto a little tiny hope that someday we could move back to SA and you guys would still be there to play with! I LOVE your chairs- I need your mad sewing skills! You are too dany creative!

Laura said...

Becky! It's been a while since I've been to your blog. So much is going on! I heard from Jodi that you are moving. Sad!! On the up side, I know you are going to love Germany. I lived there briefly as a child and I have lots of fond memories of it. Good news about your house. I'm not surprised it sold quickly. It's a gorgeous house and you did so much to it. We sold ours also and are moving to a larger home nearby. Those chairs are really awesome. If you decide to sell them, let me know. I'm really impressed with your mad sewing skills. Let me know if you need any help while moving - OK? I know we don't talk much but I think you are a really awesome lady.
- Laura