Thursday, July 29, 2010

A little spot to call HOME

We moved out of the hotel and into the place that will be our home for the next little while. The good news is the house is bigger than I was planning on, but the bad news: it is 3 levels with pretty steep stairs. We also found out that our "stuff" (home goods) made it across the ocean (hooray) and they are scheduled to be delivered next Wednesday. For now we are enjoying the additional room to run around, even though this place really echoes... a lot! Here are a few things that we have been up to:

*Ben and I both passed our drivers tests and we bought a little run around car. SO NICE to be able to drive.... ANYWHERE!
*Connor is finally sleeping through the night because he is in his own room! Oh yeah!
*We ate our first schnitzel at a German restaurant and bratwurst at the town's fest.... delicious!

That is all for now. Our next mission: figure out where to sign Cael up for school and soccer!


Necha said...

Amazing! Pictures please! (Of the house, and whatever else you feel like showing us.) And what exactly is a schnitzel?

Jodi said...

Woot! Woot! Glad to hear things are going well for you guys! Congrats on the house and the car. Post pictures!!!

Tiffany Salter said...

Glad your vacation is going pretty well so far! Can't wait to hear all about your many adventures!

mag said...

glad that you guys are finally settling down a little bit more.

Derek said...

whats the name of the town you live in again?

Hope its going well, way to pass the driving test.

The Atwood's said...

Glad you landed safely! I have an envelope for you, in my car, with an Evanston address on it... I NEED your address!!! :)

Camille Hammond said...

I believe it's called football ;-)
YOu'll have to post pictures. We sure miss you guys!