Friday, December 24, 2010

FUN in the SNOW?

While this picture is not from our first time sledding, it was the day we remembered the camera and boy did we have fun! The boys had a blast and they were so tired they fell asleep as soon as we put them to bed- just what we needed them to do so Santa wouldn't skip over our house! Ben was saying how the snow is so much fun and perfect for our boys- you can play rough and wrestle, sled, ski, build forts, throw snowballs, and roll down hills... the list goes on and on! It is cold, but I would have to agree! We have had family snowball fights which usually end with our faces hurting from smiling and laughing so hard- and being really cold from all the snow that is thrown our way.


cornter said...

we are sitting here being jealous!!!!

matesen said...

I just found your blog via Dusty and Jessica's! Your family is so dang cute! It looks like life is treating you well. We miss you guys!