Friday, March 18, 2011

Spain Trip continued

This was a castle we saw on the way to a distant town. We got off the highway and drove into this town hoping to see this place.  In the end there was no way in.  I am not sure why it was not open to the public, but we got a great picture of Becky in front of it.  It was located on the top of a large hill and surrounded by beautiful scenery.

 We were having the hardest time getting Brecon to pose for pictures.  We finally figured out if we told him to kneel down it was like he turned into "model mode".  From then on when we told him to get ready for a picture he would kneel down and pose for us. 

This is the look Cael gives when he really needs to go to the bathroom.  We kept yelling at him to look nice for the picture and he could go right down to the bathroom afterwards, but he couldn't help but cross his legs and make odd faces.  Also Brecon is in his classic model mode. 
 This is taken from the top of one of the castles overlooking the ocean.  It was beautiful.

 On the beach.  Connor would not let us put him down for long.  The clothes on Brecon didn't stay on for long after this and we had a repeat of the underwear party from a few days before.  The boys absolutely loved the beach and were daily asking to go back.  There was constant screaming, running, and all around fun.  Both days we let them play at the beach it was cold and rainy, but they loved it anyway. 

Once we got to the beach we could not get Cael to sit still for a picture.  He was like the elusive sasquatch that we couldn't get any clear pictures of.   Notice his pants are already off. 

Anyone who has been near Cael for any amount of time knows when he has gas it is BAD.  The other wrestling coach was complaining about how someone had bad gas out on the mat.  We told her it was Cael and she said she kept running into it out there and had to get off to the side to get away.  We knew what she was talking about.  It can be like walking into a wall.  For some reason this next picture reminded me of what it would look like if I could actually see what was going on with Cael's back side.  Imagine walking into that.  Sometimes you can actually taste it. 

Connor sure loves his brothers (sometimes).  He tries so hard to do the things they do.  It's funny, because he is still just a baby, or that is what we think, then all of the sudden he is acting like his older brothers, running, jumping, climbing, screaming, laughing, whatever they are doing for good or bad.  We love all of them.

The brothers are always willing to share with Connor, but trying to get them to share with each other is a different story.  We usually buy two of everything. 
One of the few pictures where we all are looking at the camera.  We asked the old couple that took this picture to follow us around all day so we could all be in the pictures.  They said no but were willing to take a few pictures for us. 

It rained for the first few days we were in Spain.  On one particular rainy morning we went to a sea life aquarium.  They boys got their faces painted.  We were surprised Connor sat through getting his face painted.  He has a habit of doing thing he sees his brother do.  When he saw his brothers get their faces painted he knew he needed one as well.  He sat very nicely for the face painter. 

 This is a picture that Brecon took.  He was a little scared of the statue here and was happy to grab the camera and not have to sit next to the thing.  Connor was a bit freaked out too and was trying to get away from Becky

These ray fish were very friendly, always poking their heads out of the water in front of us. We figured out later you could buy food for them and they were expecting a treat from us.  We just thought they liked us. 

Boys love water.  It was a cold day, but they still loved getting wet in this drinking fountain. 


ToddS said...

Funniest. Post. Ever. I had my coworkers come over and read it so they could understand why I was laughing so loudly.

Matt "the Janitor" Jorgensen said...

I wish I was a rich doctor instead of a lowly janitor so I could do this fun stuff.

Jorgensen Family said...

I absolutely LOVE your pictures! You have had some pretty amazing and memorable adventures over there. Maybe I can talk "the Janitor" into taking some time off and coming for a visit. Hehe!