Sunday, July 1, 2012

My Little GUY and his FIRSTS

School is out and summer is just beginning and what is the best way to celebrate? How about 4 stitches and 2 broken fingers? YES, that is right! This is the perfect way really enjoy the summer.

Poor little Connor was the victim of a kitchen accident with a crock pot. We don't really know what happened, but when we heard the loud crash, scream, and see all the blood dripping down Connor's head and neck that was when we went emergency mode. Ben was so calm. "Hold pressure here" "Let's get him some candy" "Yep, that is going to need stitches"... etc. I was getting ready to head to the ER to get this taken care of when Ben looked over like I had just insulted him. He explained he could take care of this (Finally all those years of school and training have paid off for our family!) and we didn't need to go anywhere. What a relief! SO what do we do? Sit down together at the kitchen table and keep Connor distracted while Ben sews his head up. Poor little man.

 The next morning we went in to the clinic to check on Connor's fingers. He had been especially protective of his left hand after the accident. Sure enough, two broken bones on the 3rd and 4th fingers. A splint and bandages wrapped on his little hand and we were sent home. It was said that if you had to pick a time to break your fingers, or any bone for that matter, the best time is when you are a kid. It was amazing how quickly Connor became used to the "furble" hand and after 3 1/2 weeks he didn't need to wear the splint anymore.

The after photo with the blood and thread. He's going to have an awesome scar. Hopefully he doesn't lose all of his hair until he is very old!
(just a side note) This shirt is a GAP and I didn't wash it until the next day AND all the blood stains washed out completely! Pretty impressive you say? I know it!
Here is the site of injury... exceptionally tall stool, broken ceramic crockpot, and hard tile floor. What actually occurred here that night is unknown.... BUT it ended in blood, tears, and stiches!

This happened to be a PLATT first for our family. Although I can say I doubt it will be the last.

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