Saturday, July 6, 2013

Brecon's PLAYMOBIL birthday

We asked Brecon what he wanted to do for his birthday. Obviously it needed to be something with low hassle (or EASY as I like to say). I was so happy when he chose to take the family and 1 friend to PLAYMOBIL land for the day. So we packed up the van and everyone for a perfect day at the huge play land.
The boys with the "guys" they personally made piece by piece.

The kids could spend all day in this place. No crazy lines or roller coaster... just imaginative playgrounds and marketing for playmobil toys. I can definitely handle that!

Ben had fun messing with Brielle's hair. She has got this crazy 'mullet' going on and it was emphasized with a little water up-down- and back! Plus her belly rash guard goes pretty great with her crazy hair :)
On the pedal car race track Brecon thought he was pretty great-- LOOK at that birthday boy!
Brecon and his friend Dominic
These awesome paddle boats were from kids 4 years and up. Connor was pretty disappointed and we saw some questionable children who were just as small as him get into a boat. They got stranded out in the middle of the lake and were rescued by the workers... I was actually surprised there were restrictions in the first place (that just doesn't happen here in Germany) I mean check out the crazy climbing web below... No warnings or labels there...

AND just because we didn't have a big party, Brecon got to pick out a present from the gift shop they let you walk through on the way out of the park... very convenient... HE really does talk about his birthday all the time. I'm so happy he had a great one! HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY MY BOY!

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

Awesome birthday fun for Brecon. I can't believe how big Brielle is getting, she is so dang cute! I miss playmobil land, it looks like they have a few extra things to do since the last time we were there...I guess we'll just have to make a trip to go back:)