Saturday, November 16, 2013

Dates and Fun

 Ben and I went on a date and got our first babysitter in a long time to watch the boys. We had dinner with friends at a BBQ restaurant and had to really hurry to try to get there on time.  It is pretty great to have all these events be so close to us and the tickets are a great price as well. The performance was fun-- interesting-- gross and we even got to SHAKE our BOOTY while giant glowing balls bounced out into the audience. When we got home the boys were snuggled in bed and Brielle was sound asleep. The boys have been asking us to go on a date so they can have a babysitter again!

 These crazy kiddos were hiding from me and screaming with delight when I found them. We sure have fun together while the big boys are at school.
 Cael got a rainbow loom and has been working like crazy to create all the different kinds of bracelets for his collection. He will watch a tutorial on you-tube and get to work. At first he would forget to loop at certain times and become quite frustrated when his bracelet wouldn't work out. I was impress to watch him take a minute to be upset, then start right back again.

 I was ready to start decorating the middle of November, but Ben made me wait until the week before Thanksgiving. This way we could enjoy our festive décor a little bit longer and not have to stress about doing it later. We all helped out... most of the kids wanted to get right in there and decorate. Cael loved doing the lights, Brecon and Connor were professional bulb placers, and Brielle was generally there for the good time. Ben was flipping and rocking her back over his legs and she was squealing with excitement! He would then bring her close and give a snuggle right into her neck, which she loved again and again! It is amazing how easy and fun a baby can have with a throw and snuggle!

Cael reading and our finished tree. It was silver, gold, white, and cream with snowflakes and beads. It was a pretty tree this year and I liked when the kids were turning on the lights every night so we had that glow in our living room to enjoy.

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