Monday, March 24, 2014


I have been having Proud Mama Moments watching Cael practice the recorder and memorizing 9 different songs so that he could pass them off to his music teacher. Cael would leave early before morning gym so he could play his song for the music teacher. And he was the first one in his whole grade to do all of them. It was really neat watching Cael set his mind to this task, to do it well, and to be the first one in the school.
I know he was nervous when they asked him to play the Black Belt song on the morning news in front of everyone, but he did a great job! I'm so happy to see his hard work has paid off.
I loved when he would come home with a "new belt" (a colored piece of yarn) tied around his recorder to show he had passed off another song.
"Hey Mom, I got a new belt today!" First words out of his mouth after school.

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