Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Hill Cumorah pageant

Even though we had a new baby only two weeks old, we knew this was our last chance to attend the hill Camorra pageant before we move next summer. We also needed to head up that way because my mom and dad were flying out of the Buffalo airport-- it was now or never.
Before the show began at dark, We all had fun taking pictures with many of the cast members. It was fun to find out where they were from and who they were playing in the pageant. We had saved us seats earlier in the day by tying a rope around some chairs, and we are lucky that we did. The weather has been rainy with a massive downpour, but had cleared up for the pageant. Boy were we glad it was not raining during the show.
It was incredible the costumes, people, and stage. The show outlines many of the stories found in the book of Mormon and presents them in a fantastic production. Stories of faith and testimonies of the savior. I was glad that my family was able to see and enjoy the show together.

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