Monday, August 24, 2015

Back to school 2015-16 and moving

Brecon is in second grade this year and will be in Mrs. Uhorchak's class. He got a new backpack with a handle and wheels that he is very excited about bringing back-and-forth to school. He has a few friends from previous classes that he knows. 
Connor will be in all day kindergarten with Mrs. Gurris. He is very excited and ready to learn.  This summer he really exploded in reading site words and being able to sound out different letters and words.

And then there is Cael in the six grade at the middle school. He seems very nervous, it's hard to get him to talk to anyone let alone his new teachers. Ahh--who am I kidding, that kid was introducing himself on the open house night and cracking jokes, telling the teachers that they need to earn six figures and a raise, that Summer vacation should be longer so the teachers can have more time off, etc.

That means I have three boys in school all day and my Cannon and Brielle at home to help me run errands and take care of the house. It has been a crazy and busy week so far, but we are beginning to settle into the new house and get into a more firm routine.
The week before school we had gone on our trip to Maine, and we had a few days to get ready with school starting on Monday. That would also be the same day we would be signing for our new house and moving over the rest of the week. I had no idea how I was going to be able to be helpful at all, with the new baby in my arms it was difficult to get half of the things done that I wanted to do. A huge blessing was my friend Miranda was staying with us while they waited for their apartment down in Manhattan. Her cute little boys were great entertainment for my boys and she really was a huge help.
Miranda was able to be over at the new house, only 10 minutes down the road, and tell the moving company where to place the boxes inside well I was stuck at the other house getting things ready and taking care of the baby. She also began unpacking the boxes and putting stuff away in places where they needed to go. My house was practically unpacked by the time I made it over by the next day. It was incredible and such a blessing to have her here. She told me the morning before she left how much this helps to realize the hand that Heavenly Father has in our lives. She wanted so badly to be in her apartment, but the time that she was able to help me with such a blessing. She said I must be doing something right, living righteously, to have Heavenly Father take care of both of us!

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