Friday, March 29, 2019

Pinewood Derby

With recent announcements and church changes, this year would be “the last” pinewood derby with the Cub scouts for our family. I know how much effort cub scouts can take and I am always thankful for the good leaders and families that spend the time to make events like these really fun for everyone... and I’m always glad to help clean up afterward!
This year was all about Connor, even though last year he made a car that was faster than everyone else— Brecon took 2nd that year. So Connor and Ben (and grandpa Hoopes too) cut, sanded, and put on some paint that I thought was really quite nice. We were excited to see how this car would do— after all was said and done- we were happy with the 3rd place finish overall!
That night Cannon was also wearing a Cub Scout shirt and hat and said “I’m a scout kid”— we thought he was the cutest scout kid there!

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