Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Coronvirus... what next?

It has been an interesting few weeks to say the least. At the end of our spring break, the school district notified the parents that school would not be back in session for another 2 weeks... which then turned into the end of the month... which then changed until (maybe) May. MAY?!?! What a roller coaster to be on considering all the closures and precautions our town (and the United States) is making because of the serious respiratory virus. We had been watching the news and hearing about the COVID-19 and the havoc it was reeking in China in January- an epidemic- and then in spread worldwide over the next few months and recently the World Health Organization officially called it a pandemic. Sports, concerts, broadway= CANCELLED. Restaurants, churches, schools, and non-essential offices= CLOSED. It is very surreal to me that something microscopic could cause such upheaval everywhere.

Our "first" day did not go well for me. I'm usually a roll-with-the-punches kinda lady-- but my teenager felt the need to see how far he could push my buttons and something snapped. All the frustration, anger, uneasiness, fear... and more frustrations- yelling and yelling some more. I don't know why, it was the worst-- I was just the worst!

but then the storm passed and now...

There is less bad days than good. A better schedule and routine has helped to alleviate the worry and keep us all busy. We have assignments from everyone's teachers and I'm grateful for the sunshine and that the kids can go out for "recess"-- but health recommendations are to stay 6 feet away from people that are not living in our home to minimize exposures-- to flatten the curve.

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