Saturday, June 20, 2020

Summer solstice midnight sun run (walk)

I have really fun neighbors that decided to celebrate the summer solstice by going on a family run/walk/scooter ride around the airfield which is about 6.1 miles. We had gone camping the night before and I was so tired and so actually I was in my pajamas ready for bed but  Brielle was going with her friend Gwen. When we saw them leave their house and walk down the street I looked it Connor who was also in bed reading with me and we said “we should go too”.... even though I was super tired and ready for bed I have major fear of missing out or FOMO. 
The Bangerter‘s were about 8 to 10 minutes ahead on the trail but Connor caught up to them very fast on his bike but I was walking. It was raining a little bit and cloudy but not in a bad way it was actually quite enjoyable to be out there. There is a nice trail that we stayed on all the way around posts off the beaten path for the most part and really a lovely sunset as we ended there was even a rainbow!! I’m glad that I didn’t let my exhaustion keep me from joining in on a fun evening with my kids and friends. Brielle and Gwen  were in the lead and they saw a baby fox run across in front of them. 
Sunset at 12:20 toward the end of the trail

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