Saturday, November 28, 2020

Castner glacier

One outing that my parents were especially excited about was going to Castner Glacier. It takes about 2.5 hrs to drive out there, a little over a mile walk up into the hills (although it is mostly a flat trail, thank goodness!) and then hike back out... drive 2.5 hrs home-- it was a long, but fun day.  It was quite a drive to get out there, and with our limited daylight we needed to hurry in order to make it home before dark... ha ha ah! We still drove home in the dark, but the adventure was worth it.
The hoar frost on the inside of the glacier can grow the colder it gets in the winter. These were so cool to see in the dark insides just clinging to the ceiling, these fragile icsicles.
In some of our pictures, those dirt veins looked golden. There were lots of people exploring the glacier ... it was Saturday after all and the weather wasn't terrible. A great day to get outdoors.

WE MADE IT! Back to the cars for a quick snack and then to hit the road. I would have liked to take a nap, but the driver should stay alert and stay awake too!


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