Sunday, March 20, 2022

Birthday boy Ben

I really wanted to celebrate this handsome birthday boy... but my good intentions don't always play out the way I would like them to. A month earlier I had decided to rent out the community center so we could invite a whole bunch of friends to join us on the Wednesday before Ben's birthday during the kids spring break to have something fun to do. In talking to my friend to invite her, I remember her husband shares the same birthday as well... so we said "Let's do a combined party". It was fun, but also felt pretty stressful to get food ready, drive over to the community center and try to entertain friends and play games. I think we had way too much PIE... but that was okay.

On Saturday night, the adults and Brecon went to the ICE DOGS hockey game and it was entertaining and fun to watch. I couldn't believe how fast they could skate and hit the puck with incredible speed!!


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