Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween weekend

Cannon and his little friend Connor - a neighbor and classmate 
Brecon looking snazzy on Sunday- he is sure a handsome young man
Empty kitchen before we move in
The first truck load arrives 

Combined Youth night line dancing fun
Happy birthday boy
Ben, gabe, Connor, and friend 
Pumpkin carving and seed sorting night
Ward party 
Mabel, Sariah, and Brielle had a blast all together
Candy crash and video games on Halloween night

The primary kids ar the church party 
More boxes and finding places for all of our junk 😬

 Platt family update—

Well the day finally arrived and we are now in a home for the next 3 (maybe 4 years!)! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ€© After packing up All of our belongings the first week in June, traveling and visiting family and arriving in Hawaii July 15 —90 days in a hotel +10 days in a temporary apartment—  October 25th was the big unboxing 20 huge crates full of our earthly possessions in boxes and wrapped in brown paper!! So much tape and paper!! it has been exhausting to unpack to say the least but we are mostly done ✅  —-whew!! It’s been the craziest move thus far in our military time! I think part of me was really sure that we would have a house by the time (Elder platt )would start home MTC and we would be able to unpack — repack his suitcase properly— and send him off from a home… not a hotel 😒😒 but oh well! He actually didn’t seem to mind at all so that is good!
It’s so funny to see all of your belongings in boxes and getting unwrapped and trying to find places to put everything in a totally different house —it is a little bit of a struggle trying to place things  in the most workable space…. But I think we have mostly figured it out which is a huge relief. Our back patio is full of cardboard boxes waiting to get picked up from the moving company as soon as we give them a call. I will probably do that today!!

Friday was our ward trunk or treat. It was a potluck dinner, games and candy of course. The young men and young women had just had a combined activity learning how to do a couple of line dances and so after all the candy got passed out they turned on some music and it turned into the best costume dance party I was so pumped up. I’ve always wanted to do a ward Halloween dance party and it finally came true!!

So We just had Connor‘s birthday party on Saturday (His real birthday is Halloween ) so we invited a couple of families over for games snacks and pumpkin pie — which has been Connor‘s replacement birthday cake for the last eight years I would say! I am thankful that Costco starts pulling out their pumpkin pies early so I don’t have to worry about making one myself from scratch … I don’t even think I have actually made one myself so I would be afraid to see what that would taste like. Maybe I’ll give it a try this year for thanksgiving πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

This sunday was our ward primary program which is always really great, it is one of the best Sundays of the year I would say. They called me to be in the primary presidency pretty soon after we got here so I was really worried about gathering the parts and having the kids ready to say their testimonies into the microphone, but it all worked out wonderfully ! We had a couple of cute little kids twirling and spinning and waving to their moms and dad‘s down in the audience. Cannon started getting pretty Wiggley so I had to try to stop him the best that I could. The kids just sang so nicely— one little girl Sophie is especially a loud singer… but in a super cute way. it was so beautiful and I started to cry after they sang “the miracle” the spirit was so strong! I just love primary music for that reason- they are singing about simple gospel truths!! It’s just the best! We fed the kids and teachers sandwiches, grapes, chips, and they got an ice cream cone from Sis Aliliama.

And yesterday was real Halloween the kids were so excited. Somehow they each had a friend or a group of friends to go off with and so that made the evening pretty chill for me and Ben. A neighbor invited us over to eat dinner before the trick or treating officially began— so that was nice to meet a Few of our neighbors.  Halloween in Hawaii is probably one of my favorites— the weather is perfect and there’s so many fun costumes and house decorations - also you can wear your actual costume and it isn’t  getting covered up with snow boots and warm jackets πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I’m looking at you alaska and Wyoming Halloween!! Good times!!

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