Sunday, June 10, 2007

Our Birthday Boy CAEL


....YOU'RE 3 YEARS OLD! You're 3 years old...

CAEL IS A HAPPY BOY--- A JOY TO HAVE AROUND-- AND VERY, VERY, RIDICULOUSLY GOOD LOOKING! (try not to look at all of his bumps and bruises, he is a typical boy)

He has been excited about his birthday for quite some time, although he pronounces that he is "thlee" years old instead of "three", we are working on his "t-h" sound.
This morning, quite early I might add, he was awakened with a lovely rendition of "Happy Birthday". He stood up in his bed, stretched his arms and flexed his muscles and proclaimed "look how big I am". Yes, Cael you are a big boy!

It is still amazing to Ben and I that Cael was born 3 years ago. Ben had just taken Step 1 of Board Certification... and the next day Cael was welcomed into the world. We were quite nervous about that 2-day test being scheduled so closely to Cael's due date, but thought afterwards that it was perfect timing. Somehow it all worked out, and it has been wonderful ever since. He really is a great boy and we love him very much!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big he is! You look cute in your end of May pic too. Miss you guys.

Anonymous said...'d we miss that?! Sorry Cael! Summer turns into one big blog of not knowing what date it is for us. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! He looks SO old! You're only a few months away from a sunbeam!!

Thanks for adding anonymous commenters too :)

Anonymous said...

now he's 3 years and 2 weeks :)

Did you get our late present? Found out that your mom sent the Mater....really I had no idea about that. Hope he didn't already have it. Lily picked it out anyway.

Feeling any baby stuff happening yet?