Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Territory- and family update

Where to begin. For starters  this will be my first "private" post for reasons which I felt necessary for our family at this time, which you will know about shortly.

But first of all our summer was busy, relaxing, some traveling, and spending a lot of time together. Birthday parties, water fights, riding bikes in the neighborhood and FUN! But there was still something else, like a large troll in the living room, that we knew would be soon causing a great change for our family for the next year. We didn't like to talk about the "troll", but at the same time it was there and it was going to make its' presence known. The "troll" I am talking about is Ben's Deployment for 1 year to Afghanistan.

I guess we always knew that our time in the military would come with different obligations and sacrifices, but I kept thinking they were always in the way off future and not something that was really going to effect us. This really caused anxiety and stress leading up to the departure date. I would watch the boys playing and wrestling with Ben and think those thoughts that occur when someone is going away. This is our last time sitting together in church before He leaves, the last drive home, family prayer, dinner, etc... It wasn't easy. That time was spent trying to get everything ready, packing, cleaning, and trying to make good memories with the boys.

So now Ben has been gone for a month... 11 more to go! We have been able to talk on the phone and we've got email to keep in touch, although sometimes the connection is not always the best. He is on a small FOB in the middle of nowhere in the Patika province in the eastern side of the country. In order to get there on the last leg of the journey it could have been a 16 hour convoy or a 30 minute helicopter ride. He was so glad they rode on the helicopter and Ben also said that is the only way they get any supplies to their area. There is not a lot going on where he is at. They have seen a couple of the locals to treat due to car accidents, but nothing very serious. He seems to be doing well and he is making the best of his situation while on his deployment. It is just hard to be away from the family...

As for the boys and I...we have been doing alright, the boys miss their daddy and I miss my husband, but we are busy now that school has started and having soccer in the evenings is a good activity to look forward to.  Brecon started German kindergarten during the day and that leaves baby Connor and I to run errands and get some work done around the house. You would think it would be easier, but it has been more difficult to have only one at home!

So that is that. I know our lives aren't exciting or glamorous but we will still try to keep updating. Ben is usually the entertaining writer for the blog, so I apologize in advance :)


The Ortiz Family said...

You have our love and strength coming to you. I would send tacos too if I thought they would be awesome when they got there. Please know that Ben and all his fellow soldiers are in our prayers every single day. I have no idea what you are going through being alone with 3 boys and a husband deployed, but know that if you need to talk, no matter what hour, really, please call me. I am always willing to talk to my friend Becky. By the way can we send Ben a care package? Salsa travels good I think.

Kyle and Lacey said...

Wow, Becky-it's a good thing you are such an amazing woman/mama! I hope the next 11 months go fast for all of you. We'll be thinking of you and sending our love from Minnesota!

Necha said...

Well the first month flew by right? Here's to the next 11 going by just as quickly. my heart breaks every time I think about it. Lots of love and prayers going your way!

The Atwood's said...

Well all I can say is we need to get together soon! Hopefully things are going good. I'm good at hanging out with deployed husbands spouses so come see me!! Or else. :)

Tyler & Michelle said...

I wish we were close so I could help out, but I have no doubt you are surrounded by great church members their and friends. Your family looks great! You are as beautiful as ever.

Thank you for letting me be apart of the updates and read about what is going on, I'll pray for Ben's safety and you and the boys to be watched over... I know you will be.

Katie Goulding Sierer said...

Hey Becky!

So glad to have the update! Glad Ben is safe and happy to hear you guys are hanging in there.

Lots of hugs and love to you and the boys.

Lauren said...

Wow, Becky! Hang in there! Glad that Ben is safe. Prayers for you guys. You can do it. Love ya, girl.

Jodi said...

Becky - I'm so sorry that Ben has started his "leave of absence". We will pray for him every day. You are a strong woman. The best I know. Sorry I missed your calls. I have been hoping to hear from you again sometime when you are available. Hope you continue to blog because we love to hear about your life. You are amazing. Only 11 months left! That's only a little longer than a pregnancy... and you know how fast that goes... :) You'll be great!

The Jones--trying to keep up said...

What a trooper you are! I'm holding my breath for when our turn comes around too. We're thinking about you and praying for you guys. Let Cael know that Shay wants to come visit him in Germany.:) We love you guys. Take Care and thanks for keeping us posted. Hugs!, Teresa

Nacey family said...

I feel for you guys. Good luck with the rest of the deployment. Stay strong!