Monday, November 7, 2011

Connor's Vacation

In case you were wondering what our little Connor man was doing while we were away, go HERE and read all about his fun adventure. Those little boys was having the time of their lives. I couldn't tell you how grateful I was to know that Connor was being well taken care of by my dear friend. What really got me teary was an email I got the day we were going home with the little cupcakes on his "real" birthday. Then I couldn't even express my real gratitude that night without there being a flood all over the floor. I honestly didn't realize how much his older brothers would miss him ( I missed baby Connor too) but not even 20 minutes into the drive Brecon piped up "I want Connor" (which actually sounds like Tonnor) and each day mentioning his little buddy "I want Tonnor to be wiss us", "Where is Tonnor?" "I want to get Tonnor from Townsen' an Emsons' house" etc, etc... you get the idea. The cruise experience was a good one for the older boys. I did see babies on the ship, but it was easy for me to feed Cael and Brecon (when they didn't fall asleep during dinner) put them into the kids' club during the day, and tuck them into bed at night. I was thankful I didn't have to worry about a crying 2 year old, nap time, snacks, diapers, toys... and getting around at the various stops, sometimes racing through some of the streets trying not to be late for the ships departure time was easy without having to drag along my little one. Did I already say how it was so nice of my friend to watch my baby for 10 days? She really is an angel and a dear sweet friend of mine. I just don't really know what else to say but this:

I really have a lot of swapping to make up for... just call me anytime Rachelle!

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

That is so sweet that Cael and Breckon missed Connor so much, they were super excited when they got to the house to say hi to Connor, it was all we could do to keep them from running up the stairs and waking him up:)