Thursday, August 29, 2013

First Day of School

Our family had been preparing for this day since we moved from Germany. Moving to a new school, meeting new friends, and also unpacking and getting our home back to normal. I guess it shouldn't surprise me that the boys are so easy going about this kind of stuff. I think Cael was most sad about not living next to our good friends back in Germany, but he never acted nervous or upset about starting in a "new school". Brecon was pretty used to the German Kindergarten and talked about how he wanted to go back there, he played a lot in that environment. It was going to be time for him to get a little more serious about reading and figuring out what Kindergarten is like in the United States. I was most concerned about him. Would he be able to listen and follow instructions? Would he do something crazy and I would get a call from his teacher? I just wanted him to be good. Oh, I hoped he would be good.

 I quickly snapped these pictures after we crossed the bridge and walk up to the sidewalk that takes us 3 minutes to walk to the front door of the school. The whole family was there showing our support. We were mostly laughing at how incredibly large Brecon's bag was. He actually had to lean forward to keep walking.... all those supplies his teachers requested! Connor wanted so badly to stay at school as well, I convinced him to wear his backpack and he and I would do our Mommy class at home. Thankfully he cooperated and likes to do drawing and experiments with Mom in the morning.

 Brecon lines up with his class in this small playground. He acted all nervous and hesitant the first couple of days. Now he is a pro and is too cool to even give a goodbye hug (my baby is growing up)

 Big hugs and smiles after the first day of school. The boys said it was good and they were excited to play at home on our trampoline, chase and run around with Connor (he missed his brothers' all day)

On the second day of school when I picked Brecon up from the door I could tell that he was sad. He was looking down and I noticed that he had also been crying. I didn't push hard, but I wanted him to be able to tell me what happened when he was ready. After a few moments he was. "I spit on the floor" he said. And then what did the teacher do? "She told me we don't spit on the floor".... I wanted to laugh, but I felt so bad for him. Of course the teacher would tell him not to do that. It was just such a silly thing, but it made a big impact. He has not been in trouble since that day.

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