Friday, September 6, 2013

Bands, Books, and Broken Bones

 We attended the ARMY band concert one evening. It was a fantastic night, but normally it is an outdoor concert with cannons blasting during the "War of 1812" medley. They were worried about rain and the venue was moved to the Eisenhower Hall instead. The boys did well, but a young baby struggled at the end. Luckily we had an exit nearby.
 My Little Bookworm. I can find Brielle in this very spot at different times in the day. She loves to pull as many books as she can off the shelves and sit there and "read". I love to find her there.
 This captures a moment that occurs quite frequently in our home. The boys are ready for bed and decide to karate kick one another. Ben is busy with Legos at the moment and Connor watches from a distance. It's always fun until someone gets hurt....

...AND someone did get hurt! Not by doing karate kicking, but from our trampoline we have only had for a week! The story is this: The boys were showing us their tricks and Brecon out of no where does this backflip. I was impressed but told him not to do it again. Ben pipes up "Tuck your knees next time"... SO Brecon flips again and lands weird on his finger. He was in quite a bit of pain, but Brecon usually sounds like he is in quite a bit of pain so we continued on with our evening, ate dinner, and I sat him down at the piano for a lesson. He yelped and never pushed the keys with his pointer, using a different finger every time he was supposed to play a note. I felt like I was doing a good mother-thing, making sure he practiced his musical instrument despite an injury.
We taped his fingers together and put him to bed and off to school the next morning. Ben picked the boys up from school and called me as they were at the ER. He had felt like with the amount of swelling and the pain from pressure in different spots that there probably was a break. Confirmed and splinted by the Doc, and we were back home. I don't need to say how awful I felt making him practice the piano with a broken finger... That kids is tough, but I felt pretty bad too.

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