Monday, February 17, 2014


We had two snow days, Thursday and Friday (Valentines Day) and then no school on Monday for President's Day. Talk about a great vacation and 5 day weekend. We played around the house, I had the kids do "home-school" activities and practice reading and writing. We even made my favorite sugar cookie recipe to celebrate and then we delivered them to our neighbors that night. They were pretty tasty of course and I have to remind myself I don't need to personally eat all of them, but they are so good.
 Brecon had been begging to make our heart cookies for weeks. He was so excited when the time arrived. His job was to add the flour into the mixer. He did a pretty great job, except for the time when he dropped the measuring cup while the mixer was going fast. The gooey dough and flour shot out of the bowl and made a pretty great mess before I could turn the machine off. Brielle loved being right there as well. Obviously the best part is licking the beaters when the dough is finished!

 Ben helped created the red frosting that night. We don't have food coloring (or at least we couldn't find it) so he added cherry kool-aid and it tasted pretty great! I think our neighbors like the treat on the slushy-cold night before Valentine's Day.

Also funny to remember that Ben did our taxes on Valentines' Day. He sure knows how to make a lady happy! He started getting all the paper and documents ready to bring our information to the tax center here on post, but then when he got started he just kept going through Turbo Tax.

I took this picture outside our upstairs window on one of the "snow days". There was barely of skiff of new snow that day. Pretty ridiculous to cancel a whole day of school because of "inclement weather", but that is just the way it goes around here. On Thursday (no school) we had the boys make their own Valentine Cards to take to the classes. Plenty of paper, glue, hearts, and candy make these cards special. It was a good art and craft time. It was a good thing that Ben keeps candy around the house in secret stashes. We used the last of the individually wrapped Swedish Fish- "I Fish you a Happy Valentine's Day!"

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