Sunday, September 7, 2014

Bearing Testimonies

At church today when the meeting was opened up to members of the congregation to share their simple testimonies Cael began to shuffle around in his seat. He told me he was going to do it today, and then he asked each of his brothers if they would go with him. Connor accepted after watching one of his friends stand bravely in front of the microphone and speak his simple testimony of truth. They got up and sat in the front row as they had to wait while Brother Matt Ellett was giving a more lengthy testimony. Those boys had to wait and wait and were very reverent, along with another friend who would be going first. When their turn arrived they shared both short,sweet, and precious testimonies to hear.

Cael went first and said "I would like to bear my testimony that I know this church is true. I know the Book of Mormon is true. (At this time I could see Cael's face begin to flush red, he may have forgotten what he wanted to say and paused for a moment. Then he began...) I know that we can all go to heaven. In the name... AMEN."

Connor then walked up to the microphone and all by himself said "I know this church is true. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know the scriptures are true. And I know that Jesus is true. AMEN."
He then turned to maybe say "in the name..." but he changed his mind and walked quickly back to our seat. They both had the biggest smile on their faces. I asked if Connor had a warm feeling inside of his heart and that was the Holy Ghost telling him what he did was right and true.

It was special for me as a mother to see young boys of mine begin to express their belief in front of other people. I know that as we share our testimonies that our faith and belief in the things we know to be true is strengthened and continues to grow stronger.

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