Friday, December 20, 2019

December fun

UPDATE of adventures
Ice Skating at the rink down the road has become one of the favorite activities to do out of the house! Brielle really has a good time skating around and trying new tricks. The boys are always coming up with different games to go fast, crash, and chase-- STEAL THE TREASURE is fun, but I am always afraid someone is going to hurt me, but it is also very entertaining to watch.
Grandma/pa Hoopes sent us matching pajama set for the whole family, but sizing correctly was an issue! Here's hoping that we will fit into them this year.
There are always so many parties and music concerts in December. Brecon had his beginning band concert to showcase his trombone skills with the other students. It's fun to watch them get better and better each year.
Our ward church party was on a very cold -33 night, but the place was packed. There was food, singing, and a short nativity re-enactment. I tried to put together a photo booth, but not very many people were interested in taking their picture, I guess. SO I started calling up people to join me or taking pictures of random kids together. My friend Jen Aiton was a good sport and joined me for a quick pic. And I have to get a pictures of my kids... but the biggest kid was off wandering around with his friends- oh well!
I tried cross-country skiing near my house at the golf course, which was a nice trail through the forest and snow, but it was so bitter cold that day I didn't really enjoy the adventure by myself. The next day I went with some friends, it was still cold but we were moving fast and the trail was different- up hill and down- so some more variety on the trail. I thought I was going to be late picking up Cannon from his preschool, and I was the last parent to arrive for the "mommy and me" craft.

I went with Connor's class to a field trip for the Nutcracker ballet. I was laughing that we were all bundled up to ride the bus there and sit in an auditorium for an hour. I was impressed with the amazing bodily skills of the dancers, but the show seemed very long... I prefer the nutcracker-short and sweet!

Me and my buddy
We have been trying to make the most of our season ski pass and trying to get on the hill as much as we can. It is always a production loading up all the gear and getting everyone dressed up, but for some fun and time out of the house it is worth it! Cannon has really been getting better and graduated to the "big" hill-- and all the other kiddos are able to go up and down as much as they want.

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