Wednesday, December 18, 2019

XC Ski with some ladies

Remember that time I went cross-country skiing by myself? It was okay... but really cold and I didn't like it. The first picture shows how I feel... It was a pretty day and nice pastel lighting on the sparkling snow...

...So the next day I went with some friends up to the Birch Hill Ski trail... and it was better. But my friend Angela Jones was keeping a fast pace and so it was hard to keep up when I ran  I lost my speed. There was some variety on the trails, uphill and down which was a little weird being used to downhill skiis that respond better to turning and stopping. It was fun to be out with friends!

I can't figure out how to rotate the pictures on here...

So Cannon was a his preschool and I rushed to make it back to the building for a little craft time with Ms. Karen and the kiddos. I was worried when I saw all the glitter and confetti all over the table, chairs, and floor. The craft was a clear x-mas tree ornament and the kiddos were putting in fluffy "snow" and the glitter and confetti. I was a little later arriving than the other moms, so I felt I needed to stay and help clean up. 

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